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Replies to #3841 on NNRF Inc (NNRI)
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01/11/08 8:46 AM

#3843 RE: kingthorpe #3841

IF you don t believe me about Barry Davis...
Look at his record...
First NCII...this is his pick of the month in DECember..i almost bought some at $1.20...anyone listening to his CCs heard him PUMP it...

Then when it started to drop i phoned him and asked whats going on...""he said not sure i have to make some calls""

After the news broke i phoned him back and said how could you make that your pick of the month if there was any chance the merger would nt go thru.""he said i was told to PUSH IT""he would nt say by whom or its at 20 cents..

LUCE...remember back in September he is talking about a double or triple by NOV...ohh yah big funds coming in yadaa yadda..Barry think s it still the 80s and that trust me pump still works...i looked up the finacials and management and even phoned the company and found nothing worth buying...i phone him up and said how do you get your numbers?the Finacials where horrible...ALL he would say is ""you cant go by them they just raised 13 million dollars and are taking oil out of the ground for 9 dollars a barrel""

Now LUCE has been removed from ICS and he dosen t mention it anymore...people who bought at $1.80 to $2.20 have there investment cut in half while the people doing the financing have foward sold all the way down to the financing level at $1.20..LAID OUT COLD...

How about PLTG?and these others he promoted in 2007..theres a huge list...

LNGT..his favorite stock right now...he said yesterday that its going to double or triple before the end of JAN...i guarrentee it will not even double....oh sure they will pump it....but everyone thinks Carlos Slim people thru Migual Delarosa is getting fact they already are...they ve bought MILLIONS sub penny and million more up to 3 cents...look at the past 6 months trading...there has been million bought in times the company was doing zip...they are going to get LNGT rolling then blow millions of paper back at retail investors and they are in the money 3 to 10 times even at 9 cents...ask your self this...he has heavilly endorced LNGT for days now and the stock is dropping...WHY?he has pushed back the goverment contract from MAY to the end of 2008...WHY? the end of JAN you ll see who right...ask your self this...why dosen t Migual Delarosa want a rollback..?..Barry has stated that the southamericans are willing to buy LNGT in the pennies...WHY?...because they need the liquidity...they need to churn millions of shares...remember on the one CC he said his duaghter mentioned LNGT at a quarter of a penny...are you telling me Miguals group wasn t buying large back then...

Look at MMTE...same Method of operations...

ASK yourself this...if a used car salesman was convicted of rolling back the odometer and buying safty certifagates at 20 miles per hour....would you buy a car from him?

Barry Davis can speak with impunity...he can not even be sued...all his assets are in his daughter he really does care...i think more sooner than later he will get a retirement plan on the FEDS dime...and i am not talking freedom 65...................LOL

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01/11/08 8:47 AM

#3844 RE: kingthorpe #3841

Fantastic update KING. I think you answered a lot of peoples suspisions here. Thanks a ton.
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01/11/08 8:56 AM

#3845 RE: kingthorpe #3841

Thanks for this information. I had about 70% of IM's gig firgured out. You helped with the finishig pieces. I knew from talking to the company and some of Barry's employee's face to face that he knew this was a real company. With his background (record) I thought he had enemies that wanted to get even. But according to you most just thought this was his typical pump and dump scheme and jumped on the bandwagon to short it. In the meantime Barry figured out it was a gold mine and had to come up with some way to deflect what was going on from him. You have put all of the pieces together especially needing a specific price target to get paid. I thought he got the stock just for pumpig it so the insiders and PP could unload their stock.
I knew from day one this company had huge potential.
See attached analysis for nuclear cost when you factor in the penalty for carbon emissions - solar comes out first but when you try to build a large generating plt nuclear is number one. Nuclear is the answer and the Americans will not see it until it is too late while the rest of the world is going to build like crazy now.