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03/09/08 12:29 AM

#26 RE: small cap investor #25

Fronteer's Aurora Exceeds Annual Resource Target, Adds Four Projects


Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) is pleased to report that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX: AXU), in which Fronteer holds a 42.3% interest, announced that a new total resource estimate for its pipeline of six growing uranium deposits in coastal Labrador has produced:

- A Measured and Indicated resource of 83.9 million pounds of U3O8 (uranium); and

- An Inferred resource of 49.8 million pounds of U3O8.

Aurora's new uranium resource base has surpassed Aurora's annual target, increasing by 39% in just over 12 months. This new estimate is comprised of the Michelin Deposit (see recent press release of February 20, 2008), the Jacques Lake Deposit, and four newly estimated nearby satellite deposits called Rainbow, Nash, Inda, and Gear. Jacques Lake and the satellite deposits all have the potential for significant, Michelin-style growth and are located within 30 kilometres of Michelin.

"Our goal for 2007 was to deliver a resource of 130 million pounds," said Dr. Mark O'Dea, Aurora's President and CEO. "We have exceeded our resource target for the third consecutive year. More importantly, we have succeeded in demonstrating that Aurora's new uranium district hosts a true pipeline of projects that have major growth potential, which will help sustain a long life, world-class mining camp. We are moving to develop these important resources as efficiently as possible, using industry best practices in geology, engineering, metallurgy, environment and health and safety."


The new resource estimate for the Jacques Lake Deposit ("Jacques Lake"), has led to an overall 67% increase in deposit size. While still open for significant expansion, Jacques Lake now has:

- A Measured and Indicated resource of 10.4 million pounds of U3O8; and

- An Inferred resource of 6.9 million pounds of U3O8.

Like Michelin, the characteristics of the Jacques Lake mineralization are well understood and similar to the Michelin mineralization. Jacques Lake mineralization lends itself to standard crushing and grinding technology and traditional leach processing. Similarly, the host rocks at Jacques Lake are competent, making them amenable to both open pit and conventional underground mining techniques. Like Michelin, there are no groundwater, metallurgical or rock mechanic issues identified to date.


While the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits are clearly the backbone of the district, Aurora's drilling programs have further defined four satellite deposits, each with the potential to become significant resources in their own right. The Rainbow, Nash, Inda and Gear deposits have been significantly expanded and now cumulatively have:

- An Indicated resource of 6.1 million pounds of U3O8; and

- An Inferred resource of 7.4 million pounds of U3O8.

Of particular note, the Inda Deposit today is nearly as large as the Jacques Lake Deposit was 12 months ago. It is important to stress that all four of these satellite deposits are still at a very early stage of deposit delineation and have significant growth potential.

For a map showing the distribution of Aurora's uranium deposits and priority drill targets, please use the following link:

The following table summarizes the Classified Mineral Resources of the Michelin, Jacques Lake, Rainbow, Nash, Inda and Gear deposits:

Underground(i) Open Pit(i) Total
% %
Class Tonnes U3O8 lbs U3O8 Tonnes U3O8 lbs U3O8 lbs U3O8

Measured 1,289,000 0.12 3,310,000 5,795,000 0.08 9,768,000
Indicated 16,170,000 0.13 44,582,000 7,146,000 0.06 9,774,000
CATED 17,459,000 0.12 47,892,000 12,941,000 0.07 19,542,000 67,434,000

Measured 415,000 0.09 802,000 401,000 0.09 798,000
Indicated 3,357,000 0.08 5,861,000 1,909,000 0.07 2,950,000
CATED 3,772,000 0.08 6,663,000 2,310,000 0.07 3,748,000 10,411,000

Indicated 1,088,000 0.09 2,063,000 2,063,000

Indicated 757,000 0.08 1,300,000 1,300,000

Indicated 1,460,000 0.06 2,037,000 2,037,000

Indicated 520,000 0.06 665,000 665,000


CATED 21,231,000 0.12 54,555,000 19,076,000 0.07 29,355,000 83,910,000

Inferred 12,577,000 0.12 33,647,000 1,564,000 0.05 1,818,000 35,465,000


Inferred 2,778,000 0.08 4,596,000 2,210,000 0.05 2,314,000 6,910,000


Inferred 931,000 0.08 1,700,000 1,700,000


Inferred 613,000 0.07 904,000 904,000


Inferred 3,042,000 0.07 4,538,000 4,538,000


Inferred 210,000 0.06 262,000 262,000

INFERRED 15,355,000 0.11 38,243,000 8,570,000 0.06 11,536,000 49,779,000
(i) Aurora's CMB Mineral Resources are reported at cut-off grades that
contemplate underground (0.05% U3O8) and open pit (0.03% U3O8) mining
scenarios, based on preliminary economic assumptions, and may be
refined with more in-depth economic analyses.

Aurora is continuing to advance the Project through its comprehensive development program. A detailed work program for the balance of 2008 is scheduled to be announced by Aurora within the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, Aurora is carrying out a 20,000 metre, seven rig, two-month winter program of in-fill, confirmation, and geotechnical drilling on both the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits and is continuing with ongoing engineering studies designed to move the project towards development.

Aurora is scheduled to submit its Project Registration to government authorities in the second quarter of 2008 to initiate the Environmental Assessment process for the Michelin Project (which includes the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits). The Project Registration is the beginning of an extensive environmental assessment process under the federal, provincial and Nunatsiavut governments.

Christopher Lee, P. Geo, Chief Geoscientist for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for the CMB resource estimates. All estimates were conducted using 3D geological solids defined by a combination of stratigraphy, alteration and grade, and hand-digitized on 25-50 metre cross-sections in Gemcom software. Assay composites were generated from capped U3O8 grades within these solids and used to interpolate grades into 3D block models, using either ordinary kriging (Michelin, Jacques Lake) or anisotropic inverse distance squared weighting (Rainbow, Gear, Inda, Nash). Optimum search parameters (ranges, orientations, number of samples) were chosen to reflect modeled or interpreted grade continuity, low and high grade populations, and sample density. A single mean specific gravity, as measured from 22 to 329 samples of mineralized rock, was used for each deposit. Mineral resources for the satellite deposits (Rainbow, Gear, Inda, Nash) are reported for only those blocks located less than 300 metres from surface. Blocks were classified into Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resource categories using a combination of the number drill holes, average distance of samples used in each block estimate, and geological confidence. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves, and there is no guarantee that any resource will become a reserve.

Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ian Cunningham-Dunlop P. Eng, Exploration Vice-President for Aurora, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario.
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03/31/08 2:17 PM

#27 RE: small cap investor #25

Looks like FRG is going to test its 52-week low this week...