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01/10/08 12:23 PM

#304 RE: artfink #303

Good, I hate religious ones also. I would recommend the following:

Book: Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch
Amazon Link:
My comments:Dont let the word God fool you, nothing religions about this book. Unorodox style. May not be for everyone, but good at a time in your life when things dont seem to be going your way.

Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
Amazon Link:
My comments:One of his better books before be became to commercializsed.

Book: I am me I am free by David Icke
Amazon Link:
My comments: A strange guy, a bit far fetched, but a few of the chapters were sooo good, makes it worth the read.

Book:A Brief History Of Time - From The Big Bang To Black Holes by Stephen Hawking
Amazon Link:
My comments:Speaks for itself, makes you THINK. By the smartest man in the world himself.

Book:Cosmos by Carl Sagan
Amazon Link:
My comments:Better than the BBC special watched by over 1 billion.

Book: I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
by Maurice Frydman
Amazon Link:
My comments:
A modern spritual classic, almost anti-religion but in a good way :) Very very deep philosphy.

Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Amazon Link:
My comments:Philosophical but presented as a novel.

Book:Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman
Amazon Link:
My comments:Book written by a doctor in a professional format.

Read the amazon reviews.