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01/06/08 1:26 PM

#12967 RE: jking1999 #12962

Jking: For many years the SEC and DTCC have declared that NSS is simply a myth perpetrated by companies that have dubious busness acumen and have blamed NSS for their own incompetance. In some instances this is true IMO, however by the same reasoning there are nafarious individuals who have taken advantage of the SEC and DTCC's pronouncement that it doesnt exist.In fact it would tend to make it easier for them to do this because the light shown on this practice is diminished by Government agencies who say it's always the victims fault. In the electronic age of trading it's perfectly reasonable to assume that technology and greedy individuals exists to circumvent any of the rules that are in place or will be in place, even REG SHO. Shares that circumvent REG SHO are not on any list anywhere nor will they be. They are illegal. AMEX recently busted a few indiviuals for this very reason.It was also shown that Overstock was one of the victims as admitted by Carol Remond. Ms. Remond as you know is a reporter who has always said that NSS is a myth however , not on this ocassion. NSS theorist as you call them have proven to be correct in their assertion that the threat is real and that NSS is a threat to the markets and SEC apparently agrees by their institution of new rules designed to create transparentcy in this shadowy practice. However with every new rule there will be ways developed to counteract them unfortunatly.