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01/04/08 6:22 PM

#53695 RE: fuagf #53694

Was Hicks released lately ?? - thought I read he was finally free but , of course , no one knew where he was for his safety .. ??

Perhaps you know? - or did I read your piece too fast ? - will go back & re read .


01/04/08 6:24 PM

#53696 RE: fuagf #53694

found it - Hicks released from prison

Posted Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:00am AEDT
Updated Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:07pm AEDT

David Hicks was driven from Adelaide's Yatala Prison after his release this morning. (AAP: Tom Miletic)

Video: First cut: David Hicks' lawyer delivers statement (ABC News) Video: David Hicks released from jail (ABC News) Map: Adelaide 5000
Confessed terrorism supporter David Hicks has been released from Adelaide's Yatala Prison.


02/06/15 7:44 PM

#231517 RE: fuagf #53694

David Hicks: Australian Government waits for US to quash terrorism conviction before considering an apology

By political reporter James Bennett
Updated 25 Jan 2015, 11:54amSun 25 Jan 2015, 11:54am

Photo: Former Guantanamo Bay detainee David
Hicks is fighting to clear his name. (AAP: Tracey Nearmy)

Related Story: Lawyer confident David Hicks conviction will be overturned

Related Story: US agrees David Hicks is innocent, lawyer says

Map: Australia ..,134.500(Australia)&z=5

The Federal Government says it will only consider apologising to former Guantanamo
Bay detainee David Hicks if the United States formally quashes his conviction.

Mr Hicks's lawyer Stephen Kenny last week said he was confident his client's name would ultimately be cleared.

Mr Hicks pleaded guilty in 2007 to providing "material support for terrorism" but his legal team claimed that he did so under duress and filed an appeal last year.

Mr Kenny said there had been court rulings that the charge Mr Hicks pleaded guilty to was not actually a crime .. .. so the charge was "simply invalid".

"[It is] a fact we've known for some time, but it's taken the court some time to come to that conclusion," Mr Kenny said.

Australian Attorney-General George Brandis said he would wait for official word before responding to the lawyer's claims.

"I'm aware of statements made on behalf of Mr Hicks by his legal representatives suggesting that in the near future the American government might change its position in relation to his conviction," Mr Brandis said.

"That hasn't happened yet, nothing has changed at the moment, in the event that were to happen, that would be the appropriate time to address that issue."

He defended the Howard government's handling of the former Guantanamo Bay detainee's case.

"The Howard government, like the Abbott Government, took appropriate steps to protect the Australian national interest, to support our allies and to participate directly in the fight against terrorism."

We asked if you thought it appropriate for the Australian government to apologise to David Hicks and this is what you said.

Plea bargain detail delayed legal battle

Mr Kenny said the delay in his client's action stemmed from part of his plea bargain in which he agreed he would never appeal his conviction.

David Hicks's trials and tribulations

Australian David Hicks was held at Guantanamo Bay for more than five years on terrorism
related charges. Here is a look at the major events in the 39-year-old's life.

He said he expected to hear within a month whether the Military Commission would quash his conviction.

"I have no doubt, that whether or not the Military Commission clears David, he will certainly be cleared in the higher courts of the United States if we need to go there," Mr Kenny said.

Mr Hicks was captured in Afghanistan and held at the US naval base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from January 2002 until 2007.

A deal saw him serve out the remainder of his sentence at Yatala Labour Prison in South Australia, near his home city of Adelaide in 2007.

He now lives in Sydney.

First posted 25 Jan 2015, 1:04amSun 25 Jan 2015, 1:04am


As one of the comments reiterated, 'whatever you think of his actions Hicks was not guilty of committing any crime then.'
Anyone who says he deserved to be in Guantanamo would be saying they have no problem with innocent people being imprisoned.