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01/04/08 10:42 AM

#307273 RE: seabass #307230

Got a link to all those [Huckabee] quotes tinner?

Those Huckabee quotes are all true and widely circulated. His bizarre phone conversation with god is on YouTube.

Huckabee is a Xian Dominionist pure and simple. A typical fundie cultist. A theocrat.

He has some baggage. Negligible education all at hard core bible colleges.

His son was caught torturing a dog to death at 18. Subsequently he was arrested and convicted of trying to bring a gun through an airport security checkpoint.

That being said, whether he would be better or worse than Bushco, is an open question. He has yet to invade the wrong country and kill a few thousand Americans and a few hundred thousand foreigners. Or triple the price of unleaded gas or destroy the US dollar. OTOH, he hasn't had a chance either.