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01/02/08 1:19 PM

#172468 RE: Diamond_Dog #172458

You are correct and I was told by a couple posters with supposed accurate sources that alot of Nicosan being sold!! They said their sources were VERY reliable. I stepped down as a Asst. MOD because of things I did HEAR. That info has proven to ME anyway to be alot more reliable and subsequent things i.e. African reports and the 8K along with hearing about the India situation from THAT source far BEFORE anything 8K'd, prove it. I know no one should buy or sell shares by anything heard on a messege board or PM'd or emailed. I fell for it and over-extended my position. Now on paper most of it is POOF. I wish good luck for those longs stuck i.e. bagholders. I stuck up for this Company for the last year and a half. Going at all the bashers and believing in what I was told. I think there is still a chance we can make it but that will only happen when alot MORE Nicosan is sold. End of Story.

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01/02/08 7:27 PM

#172506 RE: Diamond_Dog #172458

DDog, wassup?,,,

long time no see! And you are correct, way too much speculation and some here seem to think they are THE connection.

I heard so much next weeks last year it burned me out! we waited for months while some posters were saying REALLY BIG NEWS COMING NEXT WEEK. Then to make things worse, they then switched to " this is a scam!"

f pumper/dumpers!

folks, if it ain't in the news don't trust what you hear, and if it IS in the news, don't trust it, lol. last year, summer time, we were told we had a lock on 8 million bucks from nexim/exim, this was in the news! 8 months later, we were still trying to get the dang money!

IF this company gets it's act together, then we will pop! if not, we implode.

personally, i am going to wait and just read what others are saying, like i have sources that tell me lies, lmao!

i still say, time for a PI.


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01/02/08 10:49 PM

#172522 RE: Diamond_Dog #172458

Well said Diamond!