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IH Admin [Shelly]

01/01/08 11:18 AM

#89190 RE: herbalife13 #89189

Geesh - I don't even know where to start...

Apparently you and that other guy suffer delusions of grandeur. Think about this rationally for one minute. Even if we could view private messages, there are 25k posts (public and private) on this site each day. We are stretched to our limits reviewing public posts that come our way via the TOS and Deletion Reports. We have a hard time keeping up with our own inbox - what would make you think we'd want to go trolling through other people's? And, then, seriously, why in the world do you think that Admin would choose yours out of the tens of thousands of posters we have here each week? Seriously, do you understand the absurdity of this?

I am here to defend myself but I can't unless all the Facts are put on the table.

They are. You were spamming via pm.

I and other posters have tried to start another board and were denied that privilage even though the other Board was a separate entity.

Only publicly traded companies can have boards here.

We have sent countless TOU violations in on posters who are bashers of the company EFGO.

"Bashing" is not a tou violation. Other people's speculation about someone else's motivation for posting on the board play no part in the rules of the site. The board is to discuss the company - whether positive or negative.

Also the moderators were replaced. I and some others put in to be a moderator of the EFGO Board and we was never chosen.

People who have demonstrated difficulty in following the rules of the site are not the most desirable candidates to enforce these very rules.

Some of the Asst Moderators are known bashers of the Company. Why are they Moderator's?

Investment sentiment is not a requirement for Moderators. They are in place to enforce the TOU which addresses conduct, not investment perspective.

You the I-hub Administration caused this issue to happen, by not listening to us paid I-hub members.

Everyone pays to use iHub. Non-subscribing users pay by viewing advertisements. Subscribing gains access to additional features, not exemption from abiding by the rules of the site.

IH Geek [Dave]

01/01/08 12:12 PM

#89191 RE: herbalife13 #89189 is important who sent you my Private Post , maybe the poster who supposivly sent you my Private Message has an agenda against me.

How many ways can we say it? It is irrelevant. You were in egregious violations of our User Agreement: PM spam; promoting another site, a competitive one at that; and, soliciting users to move there. That is not an opinion; it is a fact and the only matter up for discussion. That we became aware of it via another user reporting it doesn't mitigate or affect your violation in the slightest. Member reports are how we become aware of the overwhelming percentage of TOU violations, as Shelly's reply described.

I am here to defend myself but I can't unless all the Facts are put on the table.

The evidence before the court in incontrovertible; there's no need for the jury to retire.
-- Pink Floyd, The Wall

I and others have notified you and matt about different situations that have happened on the EFGO Board.

So? Those matters are dealt with on their merits.

These posters have hurt the company EFGO and have caused tremendous damage on going deals but they are still posting.

iHub is ambivalent toward what is allegedly good or bad for the company. Dialog on the boards that allegedly "hurts" the company is no different from dialog that purportedly "helps" it. From our perspective they are opposite sides of the same coin. The boards are for investment-related discussion of the company and all opinions are welcome so long as they are civil and in compliance with our rules of conduct. That is what the moderators and assistants are there to enforce; nothing more, nothing less. Moderators are welcome to express their investment views just like any other member - via their posts. They are subject to the same rules of conduct as any other member.

Some of the Asst Moderators are known bashers of the Company. Why are they Moderator's?

I certainly don't know that allegation to be true; but even allowing your argument for the sake of discussion, it wouldn't matter any more than if they were all so-called "pumpers". Investment sentiment is not a factor in TOU enforcement, and that's what moderators do.