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12/30/07 1:14 AM

#15759 RE: Netman #15757

I have a $1.46 or $1.28 target to buyin on this, but I recently heard from a friend of a friend that after contacting this leasing company that they terminated with, that they wouldn't put anything up at that spot and thus were 'pushed out' with outrageous holding fees.

Just like if you buy a lot in a housing plan, you have so many years to many years to finish your property with a paved driveway...etc etc or you get fines out the wazooo.

I tried to get in contact with them myself but could only leave a message and it sounded like a different company when I left the VM. I would love to know the exact details of what went down there.

The reason being, I'm getting this spidey sense that they are bolstering stock holder confidence with promises but not coming through. The announcement of a new store would be HUGE imo and would send this stock up up and away...AS LONG as it was a REAL thing and just about to open. The day it opens I imagine we will see a pretty big sell off. So for the flippers this might be the day to watch carefully. Resting at $2.50 after that?
All one big IF , if they don't produce a new store.

I honestly believe (and I know I'll get flamed for this) that this is going to goto sub $1.25 within a month. Possibly sub $1. Then I won't know what to do because who knows , it could just keep going down with panic sellers.

Lets just cross fingers that they do something positive here soon with tangible results. I'm really looking to be a long here on this. I want to get in and never leave...just dunno when.