In Octobers CEO update, this to me is very interesting ,
Tuberculosis , Melanoma , prostate Cancer genes ,H5N1 ,HIV , smallpox . Yes a very interesting year to come .
Ongoing Sponsored Research
Drs. Jeffery Actor & Lisa Armitige at the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, Texas are conducting a study entitled, "Novel compounds against Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and M. tuberculosis ".
Drs. Lyuba Benimetskaya and Cy Stein at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York are conducting a study entitled, "Targeting melanoma and prostate cancer genes".
Dr. Slobodan Paessler at University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX is conducting a study entitled "Influenza H5N1 synDNA(tm) vaccine".
Dr. David Weiner at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA is conducting a study entitled "synDNA(tm) vaccines against HIV and smallpox in primate models