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12/23/07 12:39 PM

#113020 RE: jdaasoc #113015

In Nevada, Arizona and California, mortgage fraud of that type was so rampant that can account for 60-70% of all the foreclosed homes. There is blame to go around for everyone for sure, but for me the biggest blame rests with the Credit Bureaus, the Banks and the Bear Stearns of the world for giving huge amouns of money to no-doc loans (aka liar loans) so that they can repackaged and sold as AAA-rated CDOs. The Bear Stearns of the world BELONG IN JAIL!!!!! And I want to see all those that bought those CDOs, come back and sue the pants off the Bear Stearns and the Credit Bureaus for fraud. Yes, for sure all those individuals who were part of these mortgage fraud schemes belong in jail. But so do the crooks of Wall Street who because of their greed made it all this possible. Otherwise, if they do not get severely punished now, they will do it again next time.