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12/22/07 3:02 PM

#4241 RE: Johnnyvits #4239

There was a time long ago, before dinosaurs actually

when Yaacov was courting a "friendly MM". This was amidst a whole lot of shenanigans from questionable trades by some MM's in particular and as orange pointed out this was during periods of inactivity. Fat lot of good it did him or court approval for that matter.

Unless there is some new rule to the contrary an MM designated to the company is not uncommon or ...on the raucous pinks, unethical either to my knowledge. Quite common, in fact your probably witnessing now IMO.

Looking at my ticker Identa is the only stock I own that is down Friday so we must be getting back to normal, pass that bottle vits LOL!


12/22/07 3:27 PM

#4242 RE: Johnnyvits #4239

HI John It means that you are really the MM in that stock. Plenty of times l have looked for non active stocks with a big spread and jumped in between and if l bought at the bid l would pull my bid and sell at the offer. Its a tough way to grind out a profit.
As far a MMM goes most of it is BS its insiders selling and the MM sees those insider sales and they all drop there bids they are not investors they work on the chop.


12/22/07 4:31 PM

#4243 RE: Johnnyvits #4239

You keep talking about stock manipulators. In S/F Calif NASDAQ has a survallance system they have between 25 and 30 people during trading hours and see all trades going thru. How many people or brokers have you seen charged with rigging the market very few. These rumors are started by disgruntled stock holders looking for excuses for there POOR stock picking and want to blame someone. IF MMM was so rampert why would anyone want to invest in a rigged market??. Last year everyone was trying to blame the evil naked shorters in the market place. Now the grandfather clause has been elimated as of Oct 15 and 35 trading days after that was Dec 5 i saw not one stock run because of NSS did you? Just a bunch of disgruntled SH trying to blame someone for there poor stock picks. They should be looking at the TOXIC filings 144s REGDEX SB2s S 8s and gagged Transfer Agents and then they will see the real problem. And of course insiders dumping and no one understands where the stock is comming from. And they yell MMM
All the moaning groning and crying is done by pinkie and BB investors because most of them do not know the rules and regs. but listen to other message board posters. Most of them dont even know what toxic filings mean.