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12/22/07 12:50 PM

#55768 RE: nw_La #55766

nw LA: They're welcome to vent here anytime. I really feel bad for investors, like yourself, who have lost a significant amount of money on this stock. And at this point you question whether 13 cents a share is better than nothing. But you hate to lock in that loss. I can't tell you what to do. With my track record if I told you to sell on the next trading day the stock would probably jump 10 cents in a day. I can only say that tax losses on stock can be deducted from any stock profits and up to $3,000 a year against earned income. And the $3,000 limit carries over to subsequesnt years. So a person who loses $9,000 can file a $3,000 loss in 3 consecutive years. Whether to lock in your losses or to try to ride it out it up to each individual. I just know I sleep better at night knowing I'm not a CYGX shareholder. I don't think they'll go out of business. But I do think the share price drops into single digits because there is no short term catalyst to bring the price up and they still haven't addressed their need for capital beyond the next construction payment and a fiscal quarter of operating expenses. So more dilution has to be on the way, because if it isn't then this company really is a goner. I wish you luck, and despite your setback in CYGX I wish you a Happy Holiday season.