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12/21/07 2:15 PM

#24096 RE: paige #24095

What's the "ohhh diddy pooh" for Paigster?

Here is an excerpt from your report:

"WE did go by the Baxa Booth and Valimed was not on display there.. but we did ask them about the Valimed Unit the person we talked to said that cdex was selling the Units themselves that it was a good Machine and he directed us to CDEX..."

Baxa is no longer selling Valimed at the show and why should they? Any Valimed sold by either CDEx or Baxa will come from the Baxa inventory.

Seems to me like Baxa's got the goods on CDEx. It's certainly a sweet deal for Baxa, CDEX can't make a dime off Valimed sales until all the dead Baxa inventory has been sold.

So what do you think the record Valimed sales is all about? CDEx finally put the Baxa sales from '06 into the books?

MP wouldn't be that sneaky would he? He can fool new PP investors, but he can't fool us (spit) bashers! LOL

Happy holidays Paige!!