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12/21/07 10:59 AM

#24151 RE: coydog #24150

Just said a prayer for Real.

Hope everyone is doing well today. ;)

I'm not a college football watcher really but I saw the highlight of the end of the Navy game. Fun stuff.


12/21/07 1:13 PM

#24153 RE: coydog #24150

May God give wisdom and skill to his doctors and nurses for a quick recovery!


12/21/07 1:40 PM

#24154 RE: coydog #24150

Its pretty cool surgery
I had it done at The U of Fl 1999
They go through my nose, chisle into the skull and take out what dont belong.
This time they are going to put back the part that gives you the ability to spell good.
Then they will Power zap the area with Rad which should enhance my ability to pick bottoms on Pinks, play poker, and count cards.
Im looking forward to it because I shall start feeling better
within a month and be a lean mean Pinky machine by Summer.

Trans-sphenoidal surgery on an ACTH producing pituitary ademnoma. "Cusshings"

Thanks for the great words
I shall be fine
I worry more about my family who has to sit and wait
and my poor pink stocks sitting here all by themselves. I shall get a laptop the day after x-mass