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12/21/07 7:38 AM

#68981 RE: REVOLUTION2012 #68980

Great find, size of exports fits with what we hope.
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Posted by: TGTL2005
In reply to: None Date:12/21/2007 7:28:50 AM
Post #68980 of 68980


This will be a miracle....

ALROSA Gains Control of Anabar Diamonds

Posted: 12/20/07 06:46


Prime-Tass, MOSCOW: Russia 's ALROSA increased its stake in diamond producer Anabar Diamonds (Almazy Anabara) to 100 percent from 51 percent.

According to earlier reports, holding company CIT Finance --acting in in ALROSA's interest-- acquired 490 common shares, or 49 percent, in Anabar Diamonds at an auction in September for RUB2.278 billion, while the starting price amounted to RUB2.17 billion. The property ministry of Russia's constituent republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was the seller of the stake.

Almazy Anabara’s charter capital is split into 1,000 preferred shares and 1,000 common shares with a face value of 2,000 rubles each.

Almazy Anabara develops the Morgogor and Mayat placer diamond deposits in Yakutia. Its annual diamond exports total about 600,000 carats

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12/21/07 8:15 AM

#68982 RE: REVOLUTION2012 #68980

The Closed Joint-Stock Company "ALROSA" has finished the transaction on consolidation of 100% of shares of the Open Society "Almazy Anabara", having redeemed 49% at the investment company "KIT Finance". It is spoken about in the report of "ALROSA".

Earlier ALROSA owned 51% of shares of " Almazy Anabara ".
We shall remind, that on September, 10th of the current year the auction on sale of the 49 percent share holding of "Almazy Anabara" took place. The winner of competition is recognized by the Open Society "Holding company "KIT Finance". During the auction 490 ordinary shares (49%) of the company "Almazy Anabara" are sold, the cost of the package has made 2.2785mlrd rbl. Auction passed at the initial price of the share holding in 2.17mlrd rbl. and step(increase in the initial price) of the auction at 108.5mln rbl. The holding company "KIT Finance" has made one step.

The Open Society "Almazy Anabara" - the mining enterprise in Yakutia created in 1998.

The company is engaged in development of deposits of useful minerals and realization of extracted production (including diamonds, gold, platinum, coal, oil, gas). The enterprise also realizes projects in a wood and food process industry, in agriculture, and also in the field of construction, develops deposits of facing stones. Volume of processing of mountain weight in 2006 has increased up 48.2% to 13.88 million m?. The volume of diamonds realization has made $80.5 million, including to the home market - $36.9 million, on export - $43.6 million. Volume of capital investments for the last year has made 371.4 million rbl.

The authorized capital of "Almazy Anabara" makes 2 million rbl., 1 thousand ordinary actions by face value of 2 thousand rbl is emitted. Expected proceeds for 2006 will make nearby $92.9 million.

Net profit of the company in 2006 has decreased in 2.7 times to 310.65 million rbl. from 836.99 million rbl. The proceeds have made 2.66 billion rbl.

ALROSA is one of the largest diamond-mining companies in the world; about 25% of world extractions is on its share. The structure of the company includes: "ESO ALROSA", "Brilliants ALROSA", and also Aykhalsky, Mirninsky, Udachninsky and Nyurbinsky GOK.

The net profit of ALROSA in 2006 has made 15.558mln rbl, the proceeds - 75.847mlrd rbl. The basic production for the accounting period is realized for $2.865mlrd. In 2006 the diamond raw material, in view of the Open Society ALROSA-Nurba ", extracted on $2.332mlrd, that is 2.4% above the planned target. Shareholders of the company are Rosimushchestvo (37% of shares), the Ministry of management of state property of Yakutia (32%), physical and legal persons (23%).

ALROSA borrows the 24 place in the "Leading enterprises of Russia" rating on the results of 2005, presented by the rating agency AK&M in October, 2007.
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12/21/07 8:27 AM

#68983 RE: REVOLUTION2012 #68980

I've reasons to believe that this deal was needed to be "closed" to go forward with GBDX in the US.

Well, well, well...

Yakutia region you say ?