Exactly! Look at the low volume between yesterday @.0061 and today down to .0043 or so. On the way down the volume was low until you hit the bottom and then volume increases. Point being, they lower the PPS slowly until a lot of people panic and sell. It may not be the actual MM doing it but it is being manipulated regardless. I could take it down myself if I wanted to but I don't. Get a few people together and place strategic BIDs and ASKs and you surely can manipulate the PPS.
Yesterday the PPS rose towards EOD, then ABBY posted that a close of .0063 would trigger a second BUY signal. 5 minutes after that post the 300 trades showed up and the PPS was brought down to close @ .0056 with only 200 thousand shares traded! That was after 1.1 Million traded at .0061! IT IS ON PURPOSE!!! If you hit the ASK, then expect a drop right afterwards b.c. they want to scare you into selling. When people are no longer scared by such tactics the PPS will move up far enough to get more sellers!
Manipulation happens, doesn't matter who is doing it.