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12/18/07 5:31 PM

#900 RE: P K G #896

You are entitled to your opinion. Mast and Moore have destroyed the trading accounts of a lot of decent hard working people with their scam. All I have done is talk about it. I don't hate the men, but I most certainly do hate what they have done. Anyone with an ounce of feeling for those hurt by this scam would. Go back and read the recent filing. Read the minutes from the shareholders meeting. Have you heard yet of these deals closing? Where are the financials he said in the shareholders meeting would be out by now? And you know the person who asked him didn't mean 2005 financials. HYRF is and always has been long on hype and woefully lacking on substance. If you want to swallow this latest round of nonsensical tripe they are serving up, knock yourself out. I don't buy it for one minute.
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12/19/07 5:48 AM

#907 RE: P K G #896

Yes I am biased against this company. No doubt about that. I do not approach crooks, scams and flim-flams with an open mind. Having followed this company closely for a number of years, yes, I have developed a bias. I also have a biased opinion about people who can't afford their phone bill , yet spend money on lottery tickets. I don't hate them. I wouldn't do anything to stop them. But I am of the firm opinion that they are acting foolishly and are wasting their money.
What agenda do you suppose I have? I have no stock in this company and never again will. All I have is a biased opinion based on years of observation. This is a stock chat forum. Nothing more. The company is not being steered and guided by your and my opinions. It is controlled by George and his cronies. All we do is observe, comment and prognosticate. What power to "destroy" is it I am supposed to have? This company has gone from a buck and a quarter to a miniscule fraction of a penny through no doings of my own. It is the result of fraud, deceit and dilution. The company destroyed itself. I have merely commented on it.
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01/13/08 9:52 AM

#998 RE: P K G #896

to date the only thing that has been destroyed are the shareholders.

guess you don't remember the P&D from .10 to 1.40? then back to where we are now.

guess you don't see the o/s going up quarter over quarter.

if the price drops from a buck to .001 then up to .002, do you call that a victory?

i don't see your motives yet.