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12/14/07 2:58 PM

#305280 RE: extelecom #305232

What's with your outrage over vulgarity around here? Seems inconsistent with the fact that you voted twice for a president who promised to change things in Washington, then took another breath and used expletives in front of a family audience, flipped his finger to the world and cussed in front of world leaders:

Just before a campaign speech in Illinois, Mr Bush said to his running mate Dick Cheney: "There's Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times."

Mr Bush later said he did not realise that live microphones were going to pick up the remark, but he stopped short of an actual apology.

President Bush was allegedly caught on video giving the finger to the press during a visit to Capitol Hill.

This video of Bush flipping the finger was taped at an Austin production facility during the later months of Bush's term as Texas governor.

A microphone picked up President Bush swearing with a mouth full of food while talking to British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the G8 Summit. "What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s**t, and it's over," Bush said.

Looks like a poor candidate for someone like you who puts a premium on class, tact and dignity. Unless you admit you made a bad choice I have to say you're a flaming hypocrite.