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01/21/02 4:47 PM

#1779 RE: Joemoney #1778

Joe Wrote:
"Why would they kill people for no reason then?

James Huberty killed for neither money or revenge. He is the one who took a pistol and hunting rifle into McDonalds and did a mass killing. Huberty came from a disfunctional family and was a classic underachiever. He constantly faught with his wife, sometimes very violently, to the point of fist and hits to the face in mutual combat. He did not have the family he wanted, or so he thought, and his job was a dead end laid off insignificant type existance. What he so desperately wanted was a functional, loveable family. We he could not achieve this goal, he took his frustrations out on those that had achieved a functional family. He took his anger and years of being and under-achiever our on families. His last words to his wife as he left the house was to the effect of "Time to go hunt humans".

He then walked into McDonalds near his house and began shooting families killing 21 total, most of them children. Killing those that achieved what he could not. His mental state was that of frustration, I can do better than this, other people have put me down, fu*k those that have achieved what I could not. Some of the kids were shot through the back as they arrived on their bicycles. Police finally shot and killed Huberty or there would have been more victims. Imagine if there was someone in the McDonalds with a gun that could have prevented all this?

What you fail to understand is that there are bad people out there that will do horribile things to you and your family. Some of them would kill you for the 75 cents in your pocket or because you "Mad Dogged" them (another term for a dirty look). Imagine that, being shot for looking at someone the wrong way. Billy the Kid once shot a man and killed him for snoring too loud.

David Berkowitz was a perfect example. He is better known as the son-of-sam in NY City. He killed for no particular reason other than for control. Couples making out in their cars were shot a point blank range. Sometimes there is no motive, just a feeling of power that the criminal has never had before. Berkowitz confessed to 13 murders and attempted murders.

Take the postal workers who created a new term called "Going Postal". For years they faught red tape and regulations and always felt they were better than their jobs called for. Sorting letters everyday. Maybe they were better, but their anger was mis-directed and they had no stress management. Theodore Bundy was another example. Although he was a pathalogical liar, he killed for the feeling of power and dominance over his female victims. When the anthrax killer is finally caught, he will be a classic underachiever who has a non-rewarding job, is highly intelligent, and has misdirected anger. He is probably one who continually is glued to the TV and obviouly has a grudge against Tom Brokov. My guess is that he will be overweight, working in a high stress government regulated job.

Brenda Spencer fired 40 shots at arriving school children killing two of them. For what? For the thrill of the kill she said.

There are people out there that will kill you for no significant reason that you can put a finger on. Not everyone has a motive, some just have dementia. If you don't believe this you are living in a shell and will undoubtly become a victim.

Rule #1, Life is not fair
Rule #2, Life is what you make it
Rule #3, Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Rule #4, be armed and trained when someone does not apply the rules.

I am beginning to think that you are a plant on this thread. You really don't believe what you are saying but you want to stimulate conversation. Nobody can be that naive to think that people need a motive to kill you.

Diverdan ><>
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01/21/02 5:07 PM

#1782 RE: Joemoney #1778

Warning signs:

There seems to be a common factor that is usually uncovered after individuals commit senseless acts of violence, usually against strangers. That common factor is abuse of animals, or better known as animal cruelty. Here is some food for though, you draw your own conclusions. He are 23 reasons why I believe in the right to keep and bare arms.

Albert DeSalvo: Serial Killer and Rapist

The self-confessed "Boston Strangler" who killed thirteen women in 1962 and 1963, and sentenced to life imprisonment on unrelated charges of armed robbery, assault, and sex offenses involving four women, had, in his youth, trapped dogs and cats in orange crates and shot arrows through the boxes

Brenda Spencer: Mass Murderer

Fired forty shots from a rifle at arriving San Diego school children, fatally wounding two and injuring nine others. During the subsequent investigation, neighbors informed police that Ms. Spencer had repeatedly abused dogs and cats, often by setting their tails on fire.

Carroll Edward Cole: Serial Killer

One of the most prolific killers in modern history, was executed in December of 1985 for five of the thirty-five murders of which he was accused. Mr. Cole said that his first act of violence as a child was to strangle a puppy.

James Huberty: Mass Murderer

In 1984, Huberty was shot by police after killing twenty-one children and adults at a McDonalds restaurant in San Ysidro, California. As a teenagers, Mr. Huberty had been accused of having shot his neighbor's dog with an airgun.

Jeffrey L. Dahmer: Serial Killer, Sexual Deviant

Dahmer confessed to killing, dismembering and, in some cases, cannibalizing, 17 men and boys. As a child, Dahmer impaled frogs, decapitated dogs, and staked cats in trees in his backyard. Dahmer was convicted to death but before the sentence was carried out, he was killed by another inmate in 1994.

Ted Bundy: Serial Killer, Rapist

Bundy killed numerous females who looked like a woman for which he had a passion. In the 1970's he brought fear to college campuses in many states after killing 3 women in the Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University. He was ultimately convicted of two killings, but is suspected of murdering over 40 females, primarily in the northwest. During his childhood he witnessed his father's brutality toward animals and he himself tortured animals. Bundy was executed in Florida

Richard Allen Davis: Accused Killer & Rapist

Davis was convicted of kidnapping of 12-year-old Polly Klass from her home and rapping and strangling her. As a 14-year-old he set cats on fire and used dogs as targets to practice knife-throwing. In 1993 he was charged with the shooting death of Marlene Voris 20 years ago. "When he was little it was animals. When he got bigger it was people," said Zak Backet a neighbor.

Michael Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Charles Jason Baldwin: Murders

These three teenage boys were arrested in 1993 for the brutal murder of three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis. The three young boys were lured into the weeds, beaten into unconsciousness, one was sexually mutilated, another raped and all three killed. For some time prior to the killing, the three teenagers were involved in satanic-type rituals. During an initiation ceremony, they killed dogs, skinned them, and ate their flesh. Echols was also carrying a head of a cat with him.

Earl Kenneth Shriner: Sexual Predator, Killer, and Rapist

Shriner used threats to lure a 7-year-old boy into a wooded are in Washington state where he raped him, cut off his penis, choked him, stabbed him in the back and neck, and left him for dead. At the age of 16, he confessed to the killing of a teen-age girl. Police say he "was a man who put firecrackers in the anuses of dogs and strung up cats." He was committed to a state mental hospital after several incidents, including the slaughter of nearly two dozen chickens.

Eric Smith: Adolescent Killer

When Eric was 13 years old, he bludgeoned 4-year-old Derrick Robic to death and was charged with murder. Four years prior to the killing of Derrick, Smith killed the neighbor's cat with a garden hose. There are no specific reasons why he killed the little boy or the cat.

Thomas Lee Dillion: Murderer and Suspected Serial Killer

Dillion is said to be a serial killer. He admitted to the shooting of Gary Bradly in 1992, while both were hunting. Dillion, an ardent hunter who also boasted of killing more than 1000 animals in illegal drive-by-shootings, is serving a life sentence in Ohio on five murder convictions.

Michael Cartier: Stalker and Murderer

In 1992, Cartier stalked and killed Kristen Lardner in Boston, Massachusetts and then killed himself. In a prior relationship, Cartier held his girlfriend's kitten under a hot shower and then shaved all its hair off. Later he hurled it through a fourth-floor window to its death.

Keith Jesperson: Serial Murderer and Rapist

Jesperson was convicted of three murders. He was dubbed the "Happy Face Killer" by authorities after he started sending neatly printed letters to the media with happy faces drawn at the top in which he boasted of his deeds. He has claimed a total of 166 victims. Jesperson attributes the onset of his compulsion to kill to his history of killing dozens of cats and other smaller animals.

Jason Massey: Murderer and Rapist

At the age of 20, Massey killed, mutilated and beheaded a thirteen-year-old girl and shot her fourteen-year-old stepbrother. The young girl had been sexually mutilated and disembowels. As a teenager, Massey often cut the heads off dogs and cats and carried them around in a rusty metal cooler. He called these animal heads his "trophies." He is also suspected of killing and mutilated a calf.

Andrew Cunanan: Spree Killer

In 1997 Cunanan was suspected of killing five people, before taking his own life on a houseboat in Miami. An ex-roommate of Cunanan's saw him gather crabs at the beach, light a match and burn the eyes out--Cunanan watched the burned area sizzle and set the crabs back out again.

Kip Kinkel: Murderer

Kip Kinkel, 15, allegedly walked into his high school cafeteria in Springfield, Oregon and opened fire on his classmates. Two classmates were killed and twenty-two others injured, four critically. Later that day, police found his parents shot to death in their home. Friends and family have indicated that Kinkel has a history of animal abuse and torture. Friends say that he often bragged about torturing and killing animals.

Michael Carneal: Murderer

Fourteen-year-old Carneal allegedly shot and killed three classmates at their school in West Paducah, Kentucky. According to another student, Carneal talked about throwing a cat into a bonfire.

Rod Ferrell, Heather Wendorf, Dana Cooper and Charity Keesee: Murderers

"Vampire cult leader" Rod Ferrell, 17, and cult members Heather Wendorf, 16, Howard Anderson, 17, Dana Cooper, 20 and Charity Keesee, 17 were arrested in connection with the bludgeoning deaths of Wendorf's parents. Media accounts include animal torture and mutilation as part of their rituals.

Three Teenagers: Murderers

In San Francisco, California, a 17-year-old, along with two 15-year-old friends were arrested in the beating death of a 15-year-old friend. Officials reported that the older boy had a history of fire starting and animal torture, including an incident at age 11 when he is reported to have thrown a cat in the air until he broke two of its legs.

"Jack": Serial Sex Offender

This 16-year-old serial sex offender in Cleveland was charged with rape and sexual battery. His other victims reportedly included and animals.

Shawn Novak: Murderer

Convicted of slashing the throats of two young neighborhood boys, Novak, 16, was sentenced to life in prison. Several years prior to the incident, friends reported that he would wear a cat's paw on a necklace and would brag about killing animals. They also reported that he showed them dead birds, cat's heads and other animal bones.

Diverdan ><>
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01/21/02 8:22 PM

#1805 RE: Joemoney #1778

Joe...Are you on medication? Is it possible that you are learning impaired and just too embarrassed to tell us?

You can be honest with us; we're a good group.

People kill for no reason at all sometimes, it's a fact; Look It Up!

" Four Boxes To Be Used In Defense Of Liberty: Soap, Ballot, Jury, Ammo - Use In That Order "
