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12/13/07 9:55 AM

#39528 RE: alliecorp #39525


Spooz definitely stands out from the other companies in this presentation.

First, though, what an honor just to be on a panel like this, and what great exposure too.

John Unwin clearly communicated the advantages of Spooztoolz and how it empowers users to get the edge, imo. Many of the other panelists talk about how traders should let them do the customization/programming, talking about this quantum leap idea. And why shouldn't they- it's good business for them, just like brokers have managed people's portfolio's for ages. But look at online trading now. I manage my own portfolio. Minimal broker. This is what I think Spooztoolz will do for traders, in a sense.

It is also noteworthy that John Unwin said Spooztoolz will allow you to do in a day what working with a partner/programmer would take weeks to do. While some of the panelists disagreed with that approach (saying, let the "experts" handle the development), they did not disagree with the fact that with Spooztoolz, you could really do it that fast. I found that remarkable. John made the point that many strategies are only good if you can apply them in a short time after conception, so if you don't have a system like Spooztoolz, you lose a lot of opportunities.

With regard to the "experts" comment above, I found it humorous that later one of the panelists acknowledged that "we actually learn more from our clients" with regard to new system development. If that's the case, I think the clients should empower themselves by learning how to develop these systems using Spooztoolz.

Just my opinions. I was very encouraged by this event. Not sure why Spooz didn't PR the heck out of it... perhaps because the event is small in light of things to come.

We'll see soon.

Peace to all.
