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12/12/07 10:12 PM

#881 RE: P K G #879

There are three on the board, not one. He is not the board, he is chairman. Three items were approved by the board. Since Moore, according to you, can just do what ever he wants without regard for the rest of the board and for items approved by a majority of shareholders, is it safe to assume that even though appointing independent auditors was "approved", it doesn't necessarily mean he will do it? You are just barely , ever so closely, painfully close to stumbling onto something here. Namely that Moore will say and do just about what ever he wants to with impunity and some will continue to lap it up like a dog returning to it's own vomit.

Man, this is going to be fun to watch...LOL. The past is prologue where this company is concerned. It is a great study in human nature.

And FYI, I resent the "hate" slander about me. God be my witness that I don't hate anyone. You have accused me of this before and I guess you want to do it again for reasons known to yourself. I resent it, but there isn't anything I can do to stop it, so rock on. There is a big difference between hating someone as apposed to hating what their words and actions do to people. Just my humble opinion, but you would do yourself a service in learning to understand that. Moore's history with this company has hurt a lot of people and I am convinced no good will ever come of HYRF. For your sake I hope I am wrong.