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03/04/04 4:26 PM

#12913 RE: frogdreaming #12912

a 'few hundred' should be 'a few hundred thousand'. My bad.


03/04/04 7:02 PM

#12914 RE: frogdreaming #12912

Frogdreaming - DNAP's site continues to show Genotyping as a service and there's been no PR's to the contrary to my I'm not sure how you come up with what appear to be such fatalistic negative assumptions about something we know little of.

You did say, "Barring any communication from the company...". You were ok with that statement...because you're right. Until we get something more specific, we only know what has been already released (and lots of our own speculations of course)...The upcoming annual report will help both of us go beyond our assumptions with real data on the genotyping services and revenues for this past year...

However, in the meantime, you seem to assume the worst given very little data and I simply don't share your doom and gloom assumptions - they are strictly yours. It begs the question as to what good you see in DNAP that keeps you sticking around (assuming intelligent investors move on if their DD shows such fatalistic company potential as your statements indicate).

My assumptions tend to be more rosy in seeing the real pragmatic progress DNAP is making (well within my investment goals and strategies and of course using my favorite rose-colored sunglasses to see the world and!...

Yes it's taking time but DNAP's coming together into an incredible biotech company with incredible potential. I can assume as well that after multiple validations of the ADMIXMAP platform and two proven products, they are ready to realize this potential and pump thru other projects, outside contracts, inside research, etc. I also can assume from DNAP's statements about their need for more space indicates the demand on facility resources is becoming stretched because of the increased work load generating more revenues.

Considering DNAP has been a shoestring garage startup budget until the La Jolla funding, I personally don't see that DNAP had the cash in pocket to fully fund a complete clinical study by themselves before now. Now the funding is there, the clinical expertise is there (Dr. Gomez), and the excitement is growing:

"This investment starts a new phase of development for the company that will include the expansion of our Clinical Pharmacogenomics Program. DNAPrint 'is now poised to make a significant contribution to the upcoming era of personalized medicine', said Hector J. Gomez, MD, PhD, and Chairman of the Company's Board."

With this new funding. the move towards DNAP's Clinical Pharmacogenomics Program and clinical trials, and the many recent PR releases - another "first of a kind" announcement from DNAP for discovering the DNA markers for the physical trait of eyecolor, the Gray Davis Law Firm connection, another murder case involvement, recent scientific publication in the premiere Genetics Journal, over 6,000 AncestrybyDNA charts sold, reading (and trying to understand) the incredible potential in their patent applications.... Whew!

Given all these factors together, I tend to assume much more fun things with DNAP's future...

I can readily agree with you that the "To Da Moon" phenomena didn't happen yesterday. However, we differ greatly on what tomorrow will bring. Thanks for your thoughts..

God Bless and take care,
