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12/12/07 3:41 PM

#33193 RE: research177 #33192

LOl, it's kind of like preaching to the choir here, when it comes to the dilution theories.

Now your message is solid, very meaningfull, just make it find the right target, were already full of holes around here.

Take a bead on the big guy, with them ideas.

You must also concede, trsi had a smaller outstanding your 0004 bottom was at what OS?

Ours is at 3.6 billion, theres a big difference there and were lower to boot.

As for your comments on berman replacing himself?

I have more important questions, than hopes, for that ever happening.

Them slick oustings, though, they seem to flourish in the brand name stocks, why the fuss over eric's, little thing?

I find the whole trsi/rsds/aumn meltdown quite intriguing, really, most curious.

Now this, think I am going to stand on the sidelines and watch them three for a spell. JMHOPINE

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petty cash

12/12/07 9:02 PM

#33195 RE: research177 #33192

The difference is he doesn't care,,, period! Hasn't he made that clear enough at this point???