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01/20/02 3:57 PM

#4724 RE: smart_sassy #4723


Indy, I suspect you may be right about the alpha geek thing.

Sassy, you too have hit the nail on the head.

I guess since his stance has always been to be the moderate and the moderator, he made me feel like I somehow viciously attacked him without knowing it. It's one thing when a person doesn't come off as completely even keeled and in control, but when they do, it's rather surprising when you see their temper. Frankly, though I was getting tired of his little digs and hostility, even if he'd always come back with an apology. That's too reminiscent of abusive behavior.

However, it is sorta weird how long he's continuing that stupid parasitic argument with Righton. At first, I told him that I had attempted the same thing once (trying to keep Righton to one point only so that he wouldn't stray) and that he wouldn't find it to be worth the trip. He was undaunted and chalked it up to his immense patience. But, when the argument stretches that long, you have to wonder about the ego involved (somewhere around 400 posts last I looked).

So maybe he really was just acting like a big baby with me.

(shrugs shoulders...takes position in center of kitchen floor and does the jitterbug of victory <G>)
