Are newer MAIL versions any better?
Blue - with you 100%. I was updating some addresses this week, and the address app is just awful. It's so bad, I would even have trouble putting into words the problems. It just never acts the way you should expect. Seems like in one mode you have to hit a little 'edit' button at the bottom, in another mode you need to right-click to bring up edit mode, and it's just plain weird all the way around. I even find just adding addresses to a mail is odd - do I hit return to accept that address, hit tab, I have addresses in my book that don't seem to pop up as a choice when I type the first few letters - I have no idea what the 'rules' are - I always end up fumbling/stumbling around, unlike most programs.
I've been hoping this was improved in recent versions, I'm still on 10.3.9 and MAIL 1.3.11.
As long as I'm ranting, when the heck are spell checkers going to use an algorithm that looks for nearby keys? If I mistype the following:
rea;;y for really
stjpjd for stupid
shouldn't spellchecker figure out that ";" is right next to "l", or "j" is next to "i"? Isn't iPhone doing this?
Another thing that would be nice would be to yellow-line common mistypes that are correct spellings (from/form), so you could just right-click the intended word. And a dynamically limited dictionary (like select - 8th grade reading level). Too often, a common misspelled word is not flagged, because I may have typed a real (but seldom used) word.