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12/08/07 12:36 PM

#1244 RE: maxgold #1242

“The international community cannot turn away from or ignore Iraq,”
-U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Why do Democrats want so bad to blow off the UN and Iraqi people, dispite the boost it would give to al-Qaeda?...or the negative effects on the price of oil, FOR THE WORLD.
Iraq has announced that IT WOULD SEEK one more year of a UN mandate for the American-led coalition and a permanent US presence.
This is old, Iraq,the UN, and the Coalition all did vote *yes* on this newest UN mandate on Iraq. (as in:IT'S NOT AN ILLEGAL OCCUPATION)>>>

Iraq wants US forces for long-term stay
By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:54am GMT 27/11/2007

Iraq has announced that it would seek one more year of a UN mandate for the American-led coalition. It would then forge an agreement with Washington for a permanent US presence in the oil-rich nation.

Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki said a sustained US presence is needed in Iraq

The UN mandate, to be put to the Security Council next month, would expire on Dec 31 next year, effectively setting a deadline for the withdrawal of British forces.

The Ministry of Defence had no comment last night and a Government spokesman said the long-term British presence was "under discussion" with the government of Iraq.

Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, said that Baghdad and Washington had signed a pact to reach a "status of forces" agreement, to set the ground rules for the establishment of permanent US bases.

Mr Maliki said a sustained US presence would guarantee the "democratic regime in Iraq against domestic and external dangers".

Announcing the talks, which are to conclude by July 31, Lt Gen Douglas Lute, the White House deputy national security adviser, said the two countries had set out a "common sheet of music with which to begin the negotiations".

In May, Robert Gates, the American defence secretary, revealed plans to base US forces in Iraq for a "protracted period", similar to an arrangement with South Korea.

More than 50 years after the end of the Korean war, tens of thousands of troops remain stationed at American bases, also initially approved by a United Nations mandate.

US commanders believe that Iraq is unlikely to be capable of defending its territory until at least 2012.

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12/08/07 4:10 PM

#1245 RE: maxgold #1242

>Osama IS the leader

Osama is a tool of our true oppressors. He will never be caught because he's not supposed to be caught. He's a distraction only so that you will not see the true motive for this war and the coming war with Iran - PROFIT.

> why was Bush wrong to go with intel reports on Iraq WMDs

What was wrong was that his own VP cooked those reports and he was too blind to see this. His crime is not one of treason, but of incompetence. Cheneys crime is one of treason. He sent marines to die so he and his ilk could make money. They've made many many millions my friend from a war started under false pretenses. It's a repeat of the Gulf of Tonkin all over again. Another war meant to be sustained - not won, and fought under false pretenses for the profit of a few.

>you go on to the new NIE report, when it has nothing to do with 9/11 or Osama

It's related not because of its content, but because it got the president into hot water once again. And, when that happens, his friends always bail him out with obnoxious distractions. Osama is not soley responsible for the WTC attacks. He said he was responsible just to get his Caryle Group investment collegue out of a jam with an obnoxious distraction.

>your 'TPTB are going to bomb Iran' is speculative bunk.

I hope your right. But, I don't think you are. Check out