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Soapy Bubbles

12/06/07 9:24 PM

#1175 RE: riksea #1174

I am curious to see your evidence of an impending RS and the isometry argument between this stock and the ones you mentioned.

If you can provide evidence or documentation, then serious investors will listen. Else, don't bother with unsupported "scam" claims -- you cannot yet prove your case.

Also spare the sophormic "tell it like it is argument". It's the sign of one using only belief to produce a conjecture lacking evidence (i.e. a fallacy). As I said, argue the point and avoid the formisitc arguments -- they just reveal your ignorance and lack of DD. If all you have to offer is formism, then you have nothing other than the idea that "it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it's a duck" mentality -- the worst from which to make rational decisions.