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12/04/07 6:35 PM

#10708 RE: xsurfbum #10706

Howdy xsurfbum...Nope didnt make a killing on the dip on USD/JPY...instead I have been in and out NUMEROUS times today and add them all up and its a tidy sum.That pair can nail you with its volatility but that volatility is your friend if technically traded for scalps on 5,10 or 30 second candles as long as trend is confirmed on the longer time frame candles.Hey...BTW dont just lurk..jump in and ask or talk all you want on the subject of FOREX.I get a large amount of PMs regarding 4X but not much in the way of open forum discussion.I get the feeling that 4X ers are being regarded as having a dreaded disease(LOL) but let me tell you that the real disease of equities is cured in me now and I am back on steroids where trading is concerned since changing to 4x.Havent had this much fun in years.