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01/18/02 4:38 AM

#89 RE: Francois+Goelo #87

Francois+Goelo - Given the criteria you have suggested I suspect that screen will turn up considerable fewer prospects for the index than the 1000 you propose, just a guess. Another thought concerning size - at one time goldpenny had a list of 1000 OTC.BB that you could download and import into Quote Tracker, just getting current quotes for all the tickers took the better part of ten minutes. Also on RB just going to the OTC.BB boards takes the better part of fifteen minutes (with a dialup connection). You are talking about a massive amount of data IMO. Never the less I am sure that an index of OTC stock will be of great benefit for serious investors/traders. Not sure what I can do to help but am willing to contribute time and effort to the project, at your request/direction.

Good Investing
