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12/02/07 12:24 PM

#17644 RE: Sandhill #17643

I will agree but there are a few things that could start to move the share price. I have been talking with Bob at least once a month. A few month ago Bob said thier should be a significant press release coming out soon (within a few months) It did not happen.

Now I am aware that IR guys can blow smoke up my a$$ but he brought it up to me again without me being concerned or even asking about the pps when I spoke to him. He said the company has something they want to put out that they have not finalized yet and he also made a point that the company can't even raise capital at these levels so of course they want to put that pr out. When will it happen? who knows
IMO next january or february.

They are cash poor at this time and they do need more capital.
I am going to keep buying.

By the way I think I told alot of this stuff in a private message so sorry if its the same crap. lol


12/02/07 1:42 PM

#17645 RE: Sandhill #17643

Sandhill,you could be right on. We just don't know, but the wait is well worth it to me. I'm sure management is working on new things and they are committed to making sports social networking a success. The market is there, it just takes time to build it. Of course, I'm sure there are those who disagree, but that is the investing world. The building of the foundation, as you know, is the slow part.


12/02/07 4:17 PM

#17646 RE: Sandhill #17643

** CMTN owners have a window of opportunity to get this back to $1.00+ as early as January 2008. And I really hope they're reading this and taking notes.

It would require a carefully planned PR cycle (with news every few days, during January) that would include the following:

1. PR unaudited financials for CMTN's subsidiaries. Revenues are at least $1 million, and if there are even profits - SAY SO!!. Give projections for profits in 2008.

2. Update shareholders on progress of auditing of financials and uplisting. If you have a time frame in mind, GIVE IT. March? July 2008? Whatever, just give it. Have a name of auditor? Even better. Give that too.

3. Give us an uptodate share structure - and confirm that it is your intention to uplist with the CURRENT share structure (NO MORE REVERSE SPLITS and NO MORE DILUTION for a certain period of time).

4. Update shareholders on the progress of CowParade IMAX Animated Movie. Has work begun on it? When will it be released? Who is making it?

5. Update shareholders on results of 100-city AFA tour. Any new deals in place? Famous Names? PR them.

6. Update shareholders on plan to build World Soccer Society.
How, when, who is involved, etc.

7. Update shareholders on progress of sports series DVDs, sports TV series. Is ANY work being done?

Steve White, Bob Bell, Curtis Watts. Come on guys, you are smart - you can do this. January 2008 is the best time for penny stocks. CMTN can be a LEGEND, if you do it right.

I've been watching pennies for years, and CMTN has more than enough "juice" for a legendary penny stock run, if done properly.

I guess this is the gamble we're taking....adding at these levels. That maybe, these guys can get their act together.