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12/02/07 6:30 AM

#32877 RE: fazoolius #32875

Something took it down, and fast......imo this looked exactly like Rsds prior to its 504.........54 Payday claims, this one had 68..........same set up, r/s and all. He first claimed this was a subsidiary of Russell, he then told everyone it was a separate entity, so what was the game plan here?. If he did not have the funding to get this one moving, what was the reasoning behind it?......who would do this?.....Buy a company and had no funding for it?.........there is only one way he knows to raise funds, and this is all to obvious. You got it, a 504. Something prevented it, so he slammed Russell with another 504, and the game plan imo was his hope to get 2 going......he could then salary himself from 2 companies as opposed to one.

This is the irony of it. He had so much to do with these Payday claims, and nearly a year to concentrate on those mines alone, and the money was coming in. The weather broke in March, and in May, 2 more months he had raised his million off retailers. His accreditors were sold shares at a discount to the market. These were all free trading shares, they had to know they could sell and still profit or none would have bought in.

Retailers were supporting its share price at every level from its top. When these accreditors were being issued shares it was continual dilution, and when they sold, it was money from the retailers investment dollars that they were taking.

Then lets gets back to Berman, how many free shares did he sell to get this staggering $350,000 dollar salary?. He would have had to sell Approx 600,000,000 shares at and average price of .0058.............but not necessarily. He no doubt got his first, and then worked the rest. Sold at much higher levels with fewer shares......Doesn't really matter now, but this is what his average would have been, NO LESS than this. The thought then, what about those that bought higher than this, much higher?.

We would have to look at all the shares issued out to determine what price he sold at, this is just and overall average

Mind you he had the money to make some huge dents in some of those PayDay claims, what this was all about.......the result has been None, nada, zip, not one of these mining claims has he Pr'd us about.........but yet, he wanted to work some other company and other mining claims that were not even affiliated with Russell or its shareholders.

If all these 1.1bn shares now have been sold, and selling has been occurring since Sept and perhaps even earlier, and we know many shares were sold higher than .0001, but even if we average this out at .0001 we can calculate another $110,000 plus whatever he has taken from the top at Aumn. It would be a fair statement that RSDS has been totally looted, and if anyone did buy into Aumn and wasn't watching and bought in after the r/s and at a $1+.......were taken to the cleaners as well, having lost their total investment. This begs the the money question?........Nothing gonna happen here to Spring so what are retailers dollars being applied to????.

Where is this money?, whatever the amount?.......if it cannot be used for any projects till Spring and he knew this, and little to nothing was done with the first million except buy more mining claims without the use of a Geologist, where does this additional money sit?