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12/01/07 12:31 PM

#8796 RE: lupientr #8793

Good analyasis. I know, however, that this is being branded as "premium spring water". That suggests a higher than average cost per case. The Chinese economy, especially the large urban dwellers, are rapidly going the way of Japan and Europe in the quest for quality and premium products and for the first time they have sufficient money to support this lifestyle.

Just my opinion; but I don't think Aquagold is selling merely "drinking water".


12/01/07 12:39 PM

#8797 RE: lupientr #8793

My thought where around 6.50 to 7.50 per case, this is my guess and i am sure we will learn more about how much it really is soon enough

Bull Trader

12/01/07 12:42 PM

#8799 RE: lupientr #8793

I'm glad you asked that and I have something for you to consider: Aquagold has BRANDED themselves as a PREMIUM SPRING WATER. They are not entering the market as a "normal" water. The Chinese hold in high regard anything that is from the Earth - they see it as "wholesome and pure" (Taoism, Buddhism) - and in the case of Aquagold, the water will bear a *premium price to it. I would estimate the price of a case to be between $6 and $8 which would be more inline with a PREMIUM BRAND of water. And we must also factor in the DEMAND for WATER over there. VERY HIGH DEMAND.

Fishing at Surfside

12/01/07 1:35 PM

#8816 RE: lupientr #8793

One of the orders is for $400MM and it consists of 65 million cases, composed of 24 500mL bottles per case.

If my math is right I'm showing $6.15 per case.

At smaller volumes of course it would be much more than that.