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11/29/07 7:12 PM

#260897 RE: The master of pluots #260896

Only an investigation can reveal the
dirty truths about where the money went.
Why did JF go to Dubai? Don't know, except
it is a good place to launder money.
Ever hear about the "alledged" boiler rooms
there? Penny stock scams run deeper than
you can imagine, and involve people you
wouldn't imagine either. Just do some
research, and if you have kids, open their
eyes to all of it.
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11/29/07 10:36 PM

#260898 RE: The master of pluots #260896

If you start buying big blocks then others will follow.I would take a huge block if only I new for sure these clowns that are so called managers were gone.I'm sitting on cash to invest but no way I put a penny in this fishing hole for this worthless CEO to skim the foam off.Most have the numbers right about OS shares.It is over a 100 million today and counting.I think the only way for anyone to ever get anywhere with this is to have a complete change of management and have a new board elected.The company could do alot better if run like a business for profit.It may take years to acheive but it could be done.The worst thing you can do is screw investors year after year and continue to lie to them.They turn thier backs and never look back.The 25 Billion shares that can be issued killed any hope for the future of investors.If the number was reduced to 200 million it would be more in line.25 billion is crazy.