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11/29/07 7:58 AM

#16112 RE: Wilyum #16111

The short article just states that Sims is among the 20 most powerful businessman in the world and that he is the only latin american having this "title"! The survey is originaly from the Fortune magazine!


11/29/07 8:47 AM

#16116 RE: Wilyum #16111

The Spanish is:
El empresario ejecutivo de la marca Apple, Steve Jobs, fue calificado por la revista Fortune como el “Beethoven de los negocios” al ser considerado como el empresario más poderoso del mundo, mientras que el empresario mexicano Carlos Slim se coloca en la posición 20.
El mexicano Carlos Slim se colocó en el lugar número 20 y es el único hispano que entró en el ranking.
Según la lista publicada, Jobs, el hombre detrás del reproductor digital iPod, es seguido por Rupert Murdoch, presidente de News Corp y en tercer lugar ubican a Lloyd Blankfein, presidente de Goldman Sachs.

It says that Steve Jobs as the chief executive of Apple was clasified by Fortune as the Beethoven of businessb#1 Meanwhile the mexican CEO is in position 20. He is the only mexican who reached the ranking. When the list was published the second place went to Robert Murdoch and third place went to Lloyd Blankfein president of Goldman Sachs.


11/29/07 10:22 AM

#16120 RE: Wilyum #16111

seems someone is stroking him for some reason...eom