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02/29/04 7:25 AM

#1582 RE: hockeydoc5 #1581

hock---you said very well, as usual... I take a complete new look at this company based on one thing you mentioned.... I also find it is now a case of wait and see.

From the days of just "hoping" it would become a hands off, wait and see investment, to now, where I know it is a, "wait an see". To me, is a light years amount of positive change toward being an even better investment in my portfolio. fwiw

To me, as I have said more than once before, I gave Cal and team a 3-5 year trial window back in the spring of 2001 when I did my first round of major decision making DD before putting money in.

When I reassessed, last month, at the 3 year aniversary, that was the main deciding factor to go on for the last 2 of the original 3-5 year time frame....

For me this investment is completely about intrinsic value growth, since any, p/e, etc. doesn't do a lot for any evalulation imo. Having said that, I am completely confident we have already seen the beginnings of the numbers moving in a positive direction.

I do not see this as the rocket ship type of pps/sales that some do, at least not just yet. I do believe we will see the fulfillment of the forcasts given by the analysts the company hired last year. Don't pin me down on dates, I just feel that the numbers they projected, including pps, will come true based on the sales, they also projected, just not in any projectable exact time frame. Sooner than later though, imo. fwiw

I am not interested in starting a political discussion, I make money regardless of which party gets in office. I do believe an enviroment friendly administration will have a lot to do with turning this stock into a pps rocket.... I do also believe that the economy down turn and a diversion from enviromental concerns are the two most negative impacts this particular company has endured..... several positives have come from this imo, one being that the company had to hire real sales staff.

If all had been status quo, that original team may have looked almost good enough not to replace. As it is, they were able to fail miserably in a short enough time frame to warrant replacement... and from the looks of things, even though they are expensive, they are real producers.

Enough of my musings for a Sunday AM, gotta get my cup of java, am going to sit down and try to finish regulating my piano action today so I can get on with learning how to tune it..