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ST James

02/29/04 1:33 PM

#2740 RE: johnson1 #2739

johnson the only thing you do is disagree, hurl venom, make caustic remarks, get ornery, or you tell lies and mislead others who read this board about the prospects of CVIA and/or its stock, but you never answer the real questions about this company and why its a good investment -- no instead you turn it into some meaningless invective aimed at campe, , mikep, ANGLR or myself as if that's a way of supporting the company.

Well this kind of juvenile behavior as a person and as an investor does nothing to persuade anyone of your positive investment case for CVIA.

Hey look, I can be persuaded, I just haven't heard or seen anything to be persuaded of -- so let's see if you're capable of something besides contempt and misplaced anger, and let's hear about why you think CVIA is a good investment.

This not a trick question; it's not a game; it's the kind of real question that someone reading this board wants to have answered.

So, here's your chance to persuade...let's hear what you have to say.