Latitude Capital Group
Mergers & Acquistions
We specialize in mergers & acquisitions for leading middle market and emerging growth companies and are actively involved in both buy-side and sell-side assignments. The Firm takes a focused industry coverage approach to our business and as a result has a deep understanding of the most likely buyers and sellers in the marketplace domestically, regionally and internationally.
Whether the assignment is helping a medium sized enterprise look for a larger strategic partner to fund its growth, a company seeking to do a reverse takeover in order to obtain a stock market listing or a major international player seeking an acquisition to enter a new market, the Firm has the network, experience and capability to deliver results.
Corporate Finance
We have an extensive track record in structuring and capital raising for both listed and unlisted companies. The Firm has the experience and background to solve the most complex corporate finance issues and to secure funding for its clients. From designing optimal capitalization structures and innovative securities to spinning off subsidiaries, we provide each of our clients with a solution customized to fit their needs.
Latitude scheint wirklich der optimale "Partner" für HRCT und Chongqing zu sein !!!
Wenn die mit im Boot sein sollten....dann denke ich wird das Dreigestirn (HRCT, Chonqing u. Latitude) in der Lage sein eine Finanzierung zu basteln bei der auch die anderen MOU´s machbar sein werden ;-)
Mit ein wenig Glück bastelt Dr. Hu in seiner Verschwiegenheit den absoluten Knaller.
Franz ;)