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11/21/07 3:06 PM

#23240 RE: Renavatio #23237

The Wisconsin Farmer has become a model poster on this board. He puts up ideas about making money and we can not ask for more than that. I am an SEC grad also but I bet the grade point average is higher in the Big Ten. Why do you suppose I went to school in the South? Even with a limited IQ I graduated. In fact I was usually at the top of the class. I was accepted on probation because of my grades in Minnesota. So now you see why I love the Southern schools. I do not have a fancy degree from a fancy school but it did open the door to employment. I got a lot of grief from people about my Southern education until I had a chance to take a national standard test against those Northeast boys and I creamed their asses. The only mistake I made was to rub their noses in it so I made a lot of enemies. But I no longer am so insecure that I have to try to make other people look stupid to feel better. I am now just proud to be an SEC grad because it gave me a great life.


11/21/07 3:11 PM

#23243 RE: Renavatio #23237

We unhook the farmboys from the plows to tend to the easy stuff on Saturdays, like stomping city slickers on the football field. Football fields are easy compared to the farm fields. It's not a job for a countryboy, it's a game.