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01/15/02 12:14 AM

#15 RE: Joemoney #10

Joe. You said........One day he is a hillbilly talking about tractors, and the next he calls himself a geek and he knows everything about ASP. Doesn't make sense.

Joe are you jealous? Sure sounds that way. You will learn as life goes on people have many skills that are either hidden from public view. Or they never show how much they know until the skill is needed.

So if you talk about tractors you are a hillbilly?

Hmmmmm. I just thought you were either interested in tractors and how they work or what they can do for you.

Perspective Joe.



01/15/02 1:27 AM

#17 RE: Joemoney #10

Dood, I gotta admit, I spewed Pepsi all over the screen on that one. <lol>

Now let's hear what you have to say about me.

Come on monkey boy.

Bob Zumbrunnen

01/15/02 1:37 AM

#19 RE: Joemoney #10

Don't you know that one of the hallmarks of genius is expertise in a number of dissimilar areas? <g> Would you be similarly incredulous if I mentioned I'm an accomplished musician, a helluva deck builder, and am a good Daddy to boot?

I post about the coding changes to keep people abreast of what's going on. Pretty simple.

Oh, and I was a computer consultant (programmer/database analyst/business process analyst) for about a dozen years before I went to work at Silicon Investor. Geeking's not exactly a new thing for me.

So, I'm really kinda curious. Just *what* is it you're trying to say? That I don't know anything about ASP and haven't really done anything? Or if your point is that I shouldn't say anything about it, why is that? Because it bugs you personally? Can you show me some downside to that?

I think it's important to let people know about the changes so when my changes screw things up (which they will eventually -- you can only evade Murphy for so long), we'll know exactly what change did it.

But if on one hand you think I'm bragging and it's unseemly (I'll grant you that one -- I don't agree, but it's easier than arguing it), at least give me credit for being better than the SI staff who, instead, say "Oh, yes. We'll get right on that. You should have that feature any day now." and it drags on for months or the promised feature never materializes.

So, how would you do it better? Assuming you had the smarts necessary to both operate a backhoe and wade into a bunch of ASP.

Bob Zumbrunnen

01/15/02 1:58 AM

#20 RE: Joemoney #10

Can't believe I missed this one earlier...

I didn't know

Now there's a hole with no bottom

he knew a damn thing about computers, let alone ASP.

Does your not knowing something make it not true?

BTW, if you knew anything about computers, you wouldn't have put in that "let alone ASP". That's kind of like saying I didn't know you could understand English, let alone English spoken with a mid-western accent.

Bob Zumbrunnen

01/15/02 2:02 AM

#21 RE: Joemoney #10