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11/20/07 6:59 AM

#301999 RE: seabass #301983

They are reducing troop level.

Of course it didn't get much coverage in the media...


11/20/07 7:44 AM

#302002 RE: seabass #301983

While violence in/around Baghdad has subsided due mainly to a surge in US military in that area and we read that people are once again "cooking by a sunlit window", violence in northern Iraq has had a dramatic upsurge...reminding everyone of John McCain's, "wack-a-mole" comment.
As a stark reminder of just how unsafe/violent Iraq is, the US State Department remains short of people willing to volunteer for service in Iraq. Unless/until attitudes in a gov't agency that KNOWS what is going on in Iraq do change, not many people will believe keeping US troops in Iraq indefinitely will effect a permanent change in Iraq.


11/20/07 7:56 AM

#302003 RE: seabass #301983

The point all along has been to eventually reduce troop levels after progress has been made on the political front.
DO you think Bush really wants to keep troops there if they aren't needed.
We both don't know what happening on the political front and what progress has or hasn't been made.

Congratulations on finally acknowledging that the surge has worked in it's first objective. I hope you moonbat friends on the board don't' disown you