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11/19/07 6:47 PM

#37007 RE: forgreen #37005

Can never complain about "real life" DD... thanks for the work, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait until after Thanksgiving when you can tell us more :)


11/19/07 6:48 PM

#37008 RE: forgreen #37005

excellent news, tradeswapper..! :) load us up with more info as soon as you get the chance. much obliged. :)

mystic krewe

11/19/07 6:51 PM

#37009 RE: forgreen #37005

Thanks TS--mark-worthy! Above and beyond DD. Just awesome work.


11/19/07 6:51 PM

#37010 RE: forgreen #37005

Great news TS! Lovin it checkin in on the board every couple of days, much easier to watch your investment grow rather than minute by minute.


11/19/07 6:58 PM

#37012 RE: forgreen #37005

Tradeswapper: Nice post! You're marked. Thanks for sharing.


11/19/07 7:10 PM

#37014 RE: forgreen #37005

Nice post Tradeswapper, great onsite dd. When you get time, we have never seen pictures of the DeepDown or Electrowave offices, maybe you could tell us a little about the setup, engineering etc. Thanks for taking the time to stop by here and at DDI!

Hey, if you have any pictures, Sulphur would be happy to post em ;)

Old Timer

11/19/07 7:42 PM

#37018 RE: forgreen #37005

Great report TradeSwapper!! I'd give you another mark if I could. This is what goes into making this such a great board. An IHUBer takes the time out from his travels to pay a personal visit to the company and shares what he sees with everyone. Will be looking forward to hearing the rest of the story. Hope your travels are safe!

Greta Grabo

11/19/07 7:42 PM

#37019 RE: forgreen #37005

Thank you for that Tradeswapper. awesome of you to go there in person. Looking forward to more from you soon. Sue


11/19/07 7:49 PM

#37023 RE: forgreen #37005

TS, simply WOW!!!EOM


11/19/07 7:52 PM

#37024 RE: forgreen #37005

tradeswapper -- have i told you lately that i love you!! awesome work my man!


11/19/07 7:52 PM

#37025 RE: forgreen #37005

TS-Thank you very much for the update, way to go! drive safe my friend.


11/19/07 7:58 PM

#37027 RE: forgreen #37005

Very nice Trade!! Thanks for the VERY informative update, appreciate you! Have a safe drive!!


11/19/07 8:02 PM

#37028 RE: forgreen #37005

TradeSwapper...Nothing like live reports. Thanks. mack eom


11/19/07 8:04 PM

#37029 RE: forgreen #37005

Thanks much for your time and effort TS. We have it all, high quality company and high caliber people posting excellent DD, can't beat that.


11/19/07 8:58 PM

#37031 RE: forgreen #37005

Thanks for the DD @ DPDW!

Safe travels too.

Investor 100


11/19/07 9:39 PM

#37036 RE: forgreen #37005

thank you very much for you real world DD tradeswapper, i would like to say a very big Thank You for everything you have posted and thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to visit Deep Down Inc. and report it here. Sounds like it was a good experience, i was planning one early next year and will certainly repay the favor. thanks again and have a safe trip back. cant wait to hear the rest.

thanks again tradeswapper

and for all those that like what people like tradeswapper provide to the board please give them some love and memeber mark them

here is tradeswapper's member mark link:


11/19/07 9:42 PM

#37037 RE: forgreen #37005

Awesome info trade, thank you.

Your DD support my beliefs about the company and its management. IMO, we have yet to see a pinch of Cap'n Ron's game plan, we're still in the first quarter.

Enjoy your Holiday.

tick tock...


11/19/07 9:50 PM

#37042 RE: forgreen #37005

Thanks so much for confirming what we all thought. Nice to know they were so accomodating to you. Can't wait to hear more.

Perfect timing for your visit as well. Confirms this dip as a buying op for those who needed confirmation.


11/20/07 12:06 AM

#37051 RE: forgreen #37005


As always kudos for your excellent DD and keep it up. Hope your trip is safe and restful and we will see you after turkey day.

Be blessed friend.



11/20/07 12:46 AM

#37052 RE: forgreen #37005

Ahhh, Thanksgiving week:

Family, friends, football, wine, turkey, no work and now the the icing on the cake a report from Tradeswapper on his visit to DPDW- can't wait. Thank You Tradeswapper!


11/20/07 1:26 AM

#37054 RE: forgreen #37005

Thanks for the informative post, TS. First person observation of the sub sea inventions and work at Deep Down. Above and beyond the call of duty! Ahoooah!



11/20/07 6:33 AM

#37055 RE: forgreen #37005

Incredible DD TradeSwapper, Thanks very much !

Good Day All !