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11/15/07 8:42 PM

#399 RE: wowsa #398

excellent post wowsa...even if...
I had to read through so much Califonie stuff to get to TIDE's the end...I guess it's still a crap shoot.
If it weren't for the human loss...wouldn't we ALL be MUCH
better off if Nevada was the new place to surf ?

PS...I grew up in Marin Co. in the 60's...back before the
millio...BILLIONares displaced all the cows. We used to
go up on the hill when I was in HigH school, back before we
won the war on drugs, and watch Chevron do their "BLOW OFFS"
over at the Refinery in Richmond...we were across the bay at
about 800 or a 1,000 feet of elevation and those HUGE fireballs
were nearly EYEBALL TO EYEBALL with us...Dad worked for
Chevron and, in the face of his ENRAGED eco warrior son, would
explain..."well son, if there was SOME WAY that we could make
MONEY off of all that USELES GAS...we would."
Gosh...those times were so...simple.
I can't help but wonder now...will that eco warrior son's vision of how the future SHOULD BE...ever catch up with his dad's view of how the world really is ?
THAT IS...before all of our time...runs out.
Dad's time ran out in the late 80's.
My time is coming least I hope so...the news is just
now getting out about the bees...yes..even the commercial bees are gone now...(I live in Ms..the commercial bee capital of the
WORLD...I guess it stands to reason that we find out first)...who knows, maybe it's because of...NATURAL GAS ????
I may not go out laughin, I can't help but tear up when I look
in the face of the beast...I can't look at pictures of Polar Bears now, haven't been able to even THINk of the elephants and a long list of other...losers...for a long time now.
AND...the Califonieans think they can change all that...NOW.
AND...I invested in a company who's future depends on their
ability to do something about it in a TIMELY MANNER !!!
"it's just a see me play...from day to day..."

PS..."the world, on a string, doesn't mean a....THING !"