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11/03/07 10:54 PM

#32002 RE: luckydude777 #31984

Good Post lucky. The good part of it is that sad people like Berman will eventually cause some big things to happen hopefully to end such things as the 504's and S-8's. Like I said 504's are supposedly outlawed in Minnesota, and this needs to occur in every state,,,,,,,,and the S-8's next up. We keep plugging at this and showing why things have to change and eventually something will come of it.

There is a right way, and intelligent way, and a honest way for those who want to go public and really make a go of it. Those who have real dreams and want to build real companies.
There are some.

I don't mean do be throwing up other companies but just examples of how good Ceo's can mangage a company, and eventually get them running on all cylinders. Done without diluting their share price into oblivia. They worked hard to make it work or getting to work........and not just looking for a hand out for sitting on their butts.

FRPT was and OTC and was at one time trading at $1.40, maybe 2 years or so ago. Today on the Nasdaq.

Check out what has happened to PetEcology and its was trading in the low, real low penny range about 2 years ago.

If it weren't for the greed OPBL would have been a big winner, but when crooks got discovered it finished it, and this was a real total shame considering all they had going and where this could have gone with continued growth, but this one is finished.

Another smart Ceo is Cryoport, and look how he has kept that
sharecount in check for more than 2 years.

This is no suggestion to buy any of these only examples of how businesses even here can grow and get to a senior someday. It doesn't come thru selling shares endlessly, it comes from honest hard working people at the helm.

There are some good ones that will emerge from the barrel, and all are not bad apples, but it only takes a few to shake up this whole sector.....

RB, All Stocks, and several other sites who witness this kind of business become forever more cautious. The big things to look for...........S-8's and 504's and a little back ground check.........Have there been r/s caused from abuses. Look up the companies past on the Pinks and Sec.Gov.........anytime a new company is considering to run its first 504 the big red flag should be pulled up and flying high when its filed shortly after inception ,,,,,,,Run!! and don't even look back, no matter what is going on. Come back in 6 months or a year and take a look and see where its at and their next steps to move foward.

Same for a history of S-8's..........and the BIG RED FLAG is the A/S count. Look for abuses.

Honest Ceo's will and have PR'd to the public they are in the process of filing a 504 and give a week or two notice of it. These companies are worth keeping and eye on to see what they eventually do with the money.

In the case of Russell with Ceo's like Berman investing with them can be a great deal more costly than investing in companies whose share price is $50, $60+. Bet somewhere in here Berman has been putting our money to work in such investments for himself and his retirement fund. People like this who have taken money dishonestly, all this ill gotten gain will come back to bite them. People like the Skillings, and the Lays and Kozloski's of the world. Life has mysterious ways of dealing with people who bring financial harm to others, and have no conscience in doing so, and this usually affects entire families when the greedy have only one goal money, money, and more money.

Just like Bri and his small daughter he has had plans for, and Loof, and so many who have lost tens of thousands of dollars caused from deception and fraud imo caused from just pure dishonesty..........Not Pr'ing the raising of the a/s, nor another 504, and the misleading Pr that he was returning those restricted shares to the treasury that would greatly reduce the share count...........A deliberate lie.

But you know?. Me and Berman are gonna get to know each other very very well whether he wants to or not. He will be waking up in the morning with me being right there in the corner of his mind. Wish it could be the corner of his eye and before a judge........tomorrow would not be soon enough.

Your right lucky only the guilty run and hide, and in Bermans case nothing like a pair of handcuffs or more to humble someone like him. The truth bearing down on him, and the disgrace he has brought to himself is only just touching the surface.........A court can force him to come up with the money no matter if he has it hid 3 stories underground. A legal firm can make him better understand just what a disclaimer is and what it is not, and fraud is not covered. Lies, deception and misleading Pr's to gain money from investors thru selling shares is not covered within a disclaimer..........disclaimers are for things they cannot control and in this case he has been the only one in control of looting this company and its investors.


11/03/07 11:23 PM

#32004 RE: luckydude777 #31984

Just one more thing.

This Ceo should be made aware that other Ceo's also read these boards, and more than one has viewed his work. Its understandable why anyone who has done this, and devastated a company they are in charge of from this kind of dilution, and cannot be reconciled to the company, would need to hide, and not answer e-mails or phone calls, the truth is after him, and he just cannot help himself, and has no control of just wanting to get more money for himself.

People as such have been cheating all their lives, and this is what is so terribly wrong with all this, any tom, dick and harry who wear this make up will find ways any kind, or ways to get money,,,,,its more than greed its depravity. The Sec gives them the means to do it. One day they are going be called up on it and stopping these stupid filings will put and end to all the past, present, and future wantabe's. Just maybe the Sec's job and the Otc's lives will be just a tad bit easier, as ours, bringing the kind of people with integrity into this sector instead of the shysters.