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11/28/00 2:08 AM

#25 RE: Bernard Ng #20

Bernard, yeh they thought the Wright Brothers were crazy too...I'm not after fame really, don't need the fortune, but a vehicle to drive the global markets, now that is a fun game. If I had a trillion dollars, we would already be populating Mars and the price of real estate on Earth would shrink in half (supply and demand you know)...So let them think what they want, I've been called worse. (the devil three times in my life). And Jesus was crucified too, so what's new, ignorance causes pain, so I try to avoid ignorant people. And those who want to teach me, I listen to them, and those who want to learn from me, I share what I know, or think I know, even though sometimes I might think I know something when I find out later I was totally wrong. But yes, here's a nice strategy fleshed out lately in talks with various companies and CEO's and IR people. There are 5,000+ pink sheet companies, another 5000+ OTCBB companies, 10,000 plus NASDAQ companies and so forth up the line, and there are three major exchanges in the US and dozens of smaller exchanges, and then there's duplicate exchanges all over the planet. So the basic plan is to form a private virgin company in Delaware, grant it a license for ThoughtWareTM for the US market only, pump an additional $60 million in assets into it, and then merge it with a public shell. I'm looking over a dozen or so shells right now. Once the merger is complete, then the newly merged company will roll up a couple dozen or two or three of these pink sheet companies into one, so instead of having 24 companies with a penny per share book value, you've got one diversified company worth a quarter per share, plus a license for the hottest product of the new millennium, and an asset base (audited,plus a better revenue stream for beefing up the future growth of book value, plus less expenses. (The lawyers hate this idea by the way, it puts 24 lawyers out of work because by then you only need one good one.) By the way GLMC dropped 16% and I still can't reach those guys at CBQI, they are out to China or something. But I did have nice long conversations with Steve Chapman and Georgia Bard lately and a newer version of the consolidation prospectus will be ready by the end of the year. And anything with a market value out there that is trading over 3x book value will go down, and anything under 3x will rise to the occaision. It's as if the Federal Government one day decided to give the power to regulate the value of currency back to the people, and the people said, well, let's see, for the past 100 years we've had nothing but inflation from you federalies, and note issuers, and money changers, and market manipulators, and speculators, and we used to be able to buy a good loaf of bread for a nickel, but now it costs over $3.00, $5.00 if you live in Manhattan, and so we are taking charge of our money and we say that a penny is now worth a nickel, and you then have hundreds of thousands of homeless people scarfing up pennies on the streets, and chanting in front of the Federal Reserve Buildings in 12 major markets with the words "Show us the money!" And of course the media wants to ignore this event, but all of a sudden, before all these bankers know it, a penny actually goes up in value by 500% because some schmuck like me started buying pennies for a nickel from homeless people on the streets of Portland and Seattle a decade ago and never stopped spreading the word that money is just an idea backed by confidence of the people in the currency being used to exchange for goods and services. And what most investors don't realize these days is that debt becomes worth less as money is revalued and saved, and paper assets with speculative earnings projections become worth less as well. Anyway, to you my cousin I say this much, if a penny becomes worth a nickel in the eyes of the homeless in less than a decade, and a nickel becomes worth a quarter in the eyes of the poor in less than five years, and a quarter becomes worth a dollar in the eyes of the middle class in less than two years, and a dollar becomes worth a BENJIE (Ben Franklin $100 Bill) in less than a year, what is a company worth that is losing money quarter after quarter. If it took 100 years to inflate the global market with $600 trillion in debt, and only ten years to wake everyone up because of the Internet, then whoa, you better put your money away from debt ridden companies, and debt instruments, and so forth, because the prophesising has already lopped off $5 trillion in global market value in the US markets alone in the past 24 months, and they didn't name me Gabriel for nothin...sometimes us crazy people have such high IQs that ignorant people want to squelch it, but once you know the truth, you can only do one thing... continue being a willing slave, or set yourself and others free... Yeh, all these pink sheeted companies are vehicles without drivers, or at least most of them are asleep at the wheel. Most of them would be better off if they just asked all their investors to send in all their pennies and exchange them for stock, and the companies would show a 500% increase in book value right off the top. (This is called creative accounting under generally accepted accounting principals). Lord knows the government puts out a trillion pennies a year (they aren't even solid copper anymore if you've scraped one on the cement with your foot lately), they are made mostly out of nickel alloys, but a trillion pennies amongst 300 million people doesn't amount to a whole lot of spare change these days. So yeh, you've got this article in the constitution that says Congress shall regulate the value of money and so forth, and Congress gave it to the Fed Res, which is owned by 12 of the richest families, via their ownership in global banking giants, and you've got one hell of a game on your hands. So tell me you've got democracy when people can't even count the votes correctly, let alone be distracted from the truth...but what if one day the people all woke up and said, hey, wait a minute, you guys have been creating all this debt for the past 100 years, and companies have come and gone but you've got this incredible rigid system of debt and money creation that has unequally distributed the assets of this planet into the hands of 600 billionaires, 10,000 banks, controlled by the Fed, which is controlled indirectly by a few families at best, and there are still 500 million people on this planet that earn less than $1.00 per day...wasabe! So it's all about to change with this thing called technology, and the faster communication moves through the channels created for it, the quicker this $600 trillion in global debt will be converted into equity and equally divided amongst 6 billion then what will your net worth be couzin?

Founder: The Free and Clear Foundations of Earth, Chairman & CEO Penny King Productions, The Free and Clear Bancorporation, Senior Trustee; The Free and Clear Fund. top analyst!