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10/31/07 2:28 PM

#10695 RE: Capt Billy #10694

Billy, The only thing that I'm trying to hit home with is this; the company can't afford ANY Lawsuits. You just opened that door by posting a confidenial report from a paid consultant that signed a non-disclosure agreement for DPBM in order to compile that report.

I personally care because I have friends and family that own a considerable amount of stock and I don't want them to lose any more then they already have.

If I wanted to, I'd write a tell all book on what goes on there. I won't do that. Do I agree with Tom's posts? No I don't. I think he is hurting the long investors that have already lost their shirts.

I only think that if this verbal battle with Tom ever has any chance of ending, people have to quit fueling the fire with Tom and maybe Tom will let go. I hope so.

Billy, just because I helped a friend hire divers and go after wrecks that DPBM abandon, doesn't mean that you have to bring me into any discussions here. I wish DPBM well and I would hope that the rest of the staff at DPBM feels the same way.

By the way for all people that like to attack me. Wilf called me several weeks ago and personally ask me to POST ON THIS SITE.

I also signed a non-disclosure with Wreck Tom on Monday, so please don't ask me any questions about Wreck Tom's Wreck.