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10/30/07 2:03 AM

#16136 RE: LaRive #16135

I along with others very much believe in the eventual success of PHGI, however I dont feel the need to post it everyday. In any case, thanks for the positive. Rock on LaRive
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10/30/07 4:53 AM

#16138 RE: LaRive #16135


I have to think for a moment on how to reply to you concerning your vision of PHGI's future. Now I know that I've mentioned on here that for the first time in 4 years...the first time since Wheaton....that when I found PHGI...I knew that it was going to be big....that I knew it was going to succeed. But I have to admit....even the vision I had of it wasn't as good as yours. But I LIKE yours!

And I know what you're talking about when you talk about envisioning things. I've just really started doing it in my own life about money. But I have been doing the exact thing that you're talking about for years concerning health and travel.

Concerning health.....nature has been very good to me. I refuse to get sick...I just refuse to...and I've amazed at least one surgeon who was preparing to operate on me for a massive abdominal tumor....only to find it gone! To tell you the truth...that one amazed me too....and that's when I learned that I could control a lot of what goes on in my body.

So....although I'm 57, I have the same energy and stamina as I did when I was 25....I can outwalk most any teen-ager and I just LOVE LIFE...even when I'm depressed! I always tend to see the good in things...which drives my family nuts sometimes....they call me Pollyanna.

And now for travel....wherever I travel...the weather is always good. Anybody can check out what the weather was like in New Orleans this past weekend. The weather was PERFECT!!
I always laugh and tell people that if they want to have a good trip, invite me along. I've truly never had a bad trip in my life. And I've traveled a LOT!

So yes, I can believe what you say. It's not some magic hocus-pocus. It's following the natural laws of the universe. So sure, why not? Since I like your vision....I don't have any problem repeating your words (even though I'm sure you're much farther along in the faith of those words than I am...but give me time and knowledge). At least I was given the first bits of knowledge when I first saw the stock.

So here's at ya, LaRive....PHGI is going to be the biggest thing in the USA!!!!!
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10/30/07 5:17 AM

#16139 RE: LaRive #16135

One more message, LaRive.....

I was sitting here reading the words that I had written when the thought dawned on me that we must be going to be hitting one hellava mother lode on that mining property.

It'll be interesting to see if that thought turns out to be right.

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10/30/07 9:42 AM

#16142 RE: LaRive #16135

That might be so LaRive , I hope for that as well, but can see it happening only with a Democratic government in DC which I cant stand.
The way I see it and I may be wrong is , you stated a 3 prong business model that makes money, now if the government changes and alternative fuel is the order of the day and biodiesel the main stay then this stock can potentially reach where XOM is today, otherwise if biodiesel is a so so also ran and the radio business matures then the price will stabilize at around 5-15$.
Either way time is the key, ive invested and am in it for the long haul, if it tanks then I lose what 5 months of cable money.
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10/30/07 10:50 AM

#16156 RE: LaRive #16135

PHGI is going to be the biggest thing in the USA !
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09/02/08 11:52 AM

#27698 RE: LaRive #16135

let's all shave our heads and chant.....

"PHGI is going to be the biggest thing in the USA"



hi, i'm mister green and I approve this message.
