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10/30/07 12:38 AM

#16134 RE: juanly #16093


Awesome post, I am from New Orleans spent my whole life there until I married and moved away. I know exactly where you were on the right hand side of Jackson Square by the artists and such during the day. I have seen so many lives touched by the Katrina Storm, the rich the poor the affluent the indigent but we all shared one great loss. I lost 4 friends in that storm and both my parents who spent 80+ years there.
But prayer is what brought New Orleans to where it is today. Along with shady politics, working off the back of the destitute and Mexican workers for $22.00 per day. TRUTH. Now,,,, when PHGI started the plan was simple, build bio fuel plant, mine gold and silver Radio and Energy and make money. As far as i am concerned they are still doing the same thing. There are no unfortunates here and no seers into the future. But surprisingly the old lady that read your fortune also gave your fortune to you. So many times I have said to my kids IF YOU SAY IT OUT LOUD AND SAY IT WITH CONVICTION IT WILL HAPPEN. Visualize what you want and take it.
Juanly you said it now its going to happen. So many people don’t like the (P word) hahahah PRAYER. When John B and I first met he gave to me that almighty word of conviction when we first started the Perihelion Global adventure. One of the first things that was told to the three partners of Saturday Night, LLC By John was lets get quiet together and pray about this. Then we all got together on a call the next day and said it out loud THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST THING THE UNITED STATES HAS EVER SEEN.
I said it and every one that is invested in this should say it out loud also. Because it is period.
I have a challenge to all I believe everyone is allowed 15 posts a day. For one of your posts simply put

PHGI is going to be the biggest thing in the USA, nothing more nothing less.

Post once a day then go on and do your regular posting saying whatever.
Even the naysayer’s. See what happens. Just and experiment for 3 days. If you don’t want to that’s ok also. You fellows been trying everything else, crying, moaning, talking trash, talking up, cheering, leading, positive feedback. If it doesn’t work what did you loose. Nobody knows who you are anyway.

But you know me.Because I'm down with OPP.....................HAHHAHAHAha
