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10/28/07 7:16 AM

#298515 RE: seabass #298512

"...neoconservatives never consider the possibility of being wrong so when Wilson was unable to prove them right, the shit hit the fan and then some". EXACTLY!!!


10/28/07 9:16 AM

#298525 RE: seabass #298512

Nice fairy tale

Wilson had a well known liberal bias. He was close with teh Clinton's ( he just endorsed Hillary for president- sur-prise, sur-prise )

And AGAIN, the famous 16 word quote was that SH had "tried to acquire" yellowcake, something that Wilson's "fact finding" trip actually provided evidence to support.

Gotta luv revisionist history

aim hier

10/28/07 10:44 AM

#298538 RE: seabass #298512

Well, I can't help what you believe, but there is absolutely no factual basis for your belief. There is an interesting timeline in the linked article:

Note that on Bill Moyers' show, AFTER Bush's state of the union speech, Wilson is a believer in WMDs. We don't find out Wilson's scepticism for another five months when he wrote his now infamous op-ed piece. Apparently, he needed to hop aboard the Kerry Presidential campaign before he could connect all of the dots. Of course after the release of the Senate Intelligence committee report, Kerry threw Mr. Wilson under the bus.

If Wilson had done all that he claimed, why did he wait to give us all a heads up AFTER the Iraq invasion, how about a heads up BEFORE the vote on the Iraq War Resolution?

As for Valerie Plame, how undercover can you be when your 'cover' name is your maiden name, and your husband is a retired ambassador well connected in Democratic circles?