He thought it cost less but instead got stuck with someone else's debt. I've pointed this letter out several times now.
o The recently discovered debts that are the reason for the restatement were incurred prior to the 2006 acquisition of a controlling interest in GS Carbon by GreenShift Corporation.
o In connection with the acquisition of control by GreenShift, a complete change in management occurred. No person who had knowledge of those debts remained associated with GS Carbon on December 31, 2006.
o As soon as management became aware of the debts, it disclosed its awareness of the debts in the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for 2006 and commenced an investigation of the debts.
Seems like it explains the extra cost to me. Maybe I'm wrong?
No that's not right. At the time that Tom bought this shell on July 1, 2007, it came with $1.52 million in convertible debentures. That number has since significantly reduced.
It wasn't until July 26, 2007 that the accountant realized SWVC might be liable for $498,074 in debt instruments.
Your $200K figure is wrong as well. You might could buy a non-reporting company that trades on the Pink Sheets for that much.